Keyword: absenteeism

135 results found
How employers, health-care policies can support employees with irritable bowel disease

With around 270,000 individuals currently affected by irritable bowel disease, Canada has the highest prevalence in the world, according to Mina Mawani, president and chief executive officer of Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Halifax Benefits Summit on Sept. 24. “And this is going to increase significantly. We’re going to be […]

Managing diabetes in the new era of glucose monitoring technology

Since diabetes is a progressive disease, it’s important to get treatment in the middle, according to Dr. Thomas Ransom, endocrinologist at the Nova Scotia Health Authority, during Benefits Canada‘s 2019 Halifax Benefits Summit on Sept. 24. If diabetes is under-treated, blood sugars go up and stick to things — eyes, kidneys, nerves, feet, he said. And if it’s […]

Scotiabank adds extra paid personal days to support employee well-being

Scotiabank is providing its eligible Canadian employees with an additional two paid personal days to support their mental health. Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, the bank’s Canadian workforce will have a total of five personal days and the flexibility to take them as needed, in addition to existing sick and vacation days. “Our people are our […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 7, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 15:30
Majority of Canadians want financial education in the workplace: survey

Financial stress is preventing employees, employers and the economy from reaching full potential, according to a survey by the Canadian Payroll Association. The survey found 43 per cent of workers are so financially stressed their performance at work is suffering. It noted the costs of increased absenteeism, turnover and benefits claims, as well as decreased job satisfaction and […]

How employers can support staff with diabetes-related hypoglycemia

When an employee with diabetes is working in a safety-sensitive role experiences severely low blood sugar, what are the ramifications for employers? This question was addressed at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Chronic Disease at Work conference in Toronto in June. “For you, as an employer, what if this was your employee on their way to meet […]

Healthy eating programs may affect employer health costs

Workplace programs to promote healthy food choices could improve employees’ eating habits, according to a study by researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. A two-year study at the hospital examined the purchasing habits of almost 5,700 employees before and after researchers put in place a “traffic light labeling and choice architecture program.” […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 27, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 08:35

As Canadians face increasingly competing financial priorities while juggling busy lives at work and home, the overlap between financial worry, stress and employee health is becoming more intense. In 2018, a study published in the U.S.-based Journal of Social Service Research found employees without paid sick leave are more prone to feel stressed about their […]

EAP use results in positive workplace outcomes: study

Compared with people who don’t access employer-provided employee assistance programs, Canadians who use the services have increased workplace engagement, as well as reduced presenteeism and distress at work, according to a study published last month in the U.S.-based Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. The study, which looked at the causal effects of Arete Human Resources Inc.’s EAPs on mental […]

41% of U.S. employers trying to reduce absenteeism: survey

About four in 10 (41 per cent) U.S. employers said they’re making a major effort to reduce absenteeism in 2018, according to a new survey by the Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America. The survey found the number of employers looking to reduce employee absenteeism has significantly increased in the past few years, up from […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 21, 2019 November 11, 2020
  • 15:15
Just a quarter of plan sponsors review claims data regularly: Sanofi

Just 24 per cent of plan sponsors said they regularly receive claims analyses to help identify disease states in their workplaces, according to the 2019 Sanofi Canada health-care survey. This number rose to 31 per cent for employers with 500 or more employees and dropped to 13 per cent among small employers. It also found […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 21, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00