Keyword: accommodation

44 results found

Canada has one of the highest incidence rates of inflammatory bowel disease in the world. “We don’t know why, but Canada is one of the hotspots,” said Dr Mark Silverberg, gastroenterologist at Mount Sinai Hospital and the University of Toronto, during a webinar hosted by Benefits Canada and sponsored by Takeda Canada in November. IBD […]

Arthritis Society Canada is supporting female employees by including menopause in its accommodation policy. The policy identifies ways in which a menopausal woman might require similar accommodations as a pregnant woman and includes adjusting an employee’s job responsibilities, finding alternate work and taking leave, says Trish Barbato, president and chief executive officer at Arthritis Society Canada. “I see […]

An Alberta court has ruled that a Calgary grocery store worker placed on indefinite unpaid leave — for failure to comply with a mandatory mask policy — has resigned as opposed to being constructively dismissed and isn’t entitled to reasonable notice or compensation in lieu thereof. “This decision may signal that adjudicators will have little […]

Severe asthma is a complex condition that impacts between 150,000 and 250,000 Canadians, according to Vanessa Foran, president and chief executive officer of Asthma Canada, during a webinar hosted last month by Benefits Canada and supported by AstraZeneca. It’s an acute condition where people have difficulty achieving control of their disease despite proper use of […]

As the pandemic winds down, employers can expect to see an increase in disability claims related to long-haul coronavirus infections and compensation claims resulting from injuries incurred while working remotely, says Joshua Goldberg, a Toronto-based personal injury lawyer. The most common long-haul coronavirus symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog and muscle and joint […]

Lupus, a chronic but “invisible” autoimmune disease with no cure, is a life-altering diagnosis that impacts all areas of patients’ lives, including their work performance. But there’s plenty employers can do to support these employees and help them continue to thrive at work, said Leanne Mielczarek, executive director of Lupus Canada, during Benefits Canada’s 2022 […]

“Diabetes is a disease that you do not see from the outside,” said Kayla O’Connell, who lives with type 1 diabetes and is a sales support associate at Medtronic, during a session at Benefits Canada‘s 2022 Chronic Disease at Work event in February. About 10 per cent of Canadians with diabetes have type 1, while […]

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic, progressive disease characterized by the body’s resistance to the effect of insulin and, over time, the gradual loss of the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin, according to Dr. Donna Mojdami, a clinical research physician in diabetes at Eli Lilly Canada, speaking during a session at Benefits Canada‘s 2022 Chronic […]

People living with multiple sclerosis can continue to thrive in the workforce with early access to specialists in the disease and accommodations that give them control over their work environment. “MS really has a pretty broad impact on affected individuals’ health system and [on] society,” said Ruth Ann Marrie, professor of medicine and community health […]

It took an “intense, painful and scary” flare and emergency surgery at age 38 for Marie-Josée Lafleur (pictured right) to finally be diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, after being misdiagnosed for 15 years. IBD, which is typically diagnosed between ages 16 and 30, is caused by the body’s immune system attacking the gastrointestinal tract, creating […]