By the year 2031, 2.2 million Canadians will be living with cancer, with 40 per cent between the ages of 20 and 65 — the typical working years, according to Maureen Parkinson, provincial rehabilitation counsellor at B.C. Cancer Agency and co-director of Cancer and Work. In a session at Benefits Canada’s 2020 Employers Cancer Care […]
Mental health isn’t fight club — it can be talked about, said Sean Raible, principal consultant at Game Plan Total Rewards, during Benefits Canada’s 2019 Vancouver Mental Health Summit on Dec. 12. “As a total rewards person, we don’t talk about compensation because it’s under lock and key. But mental health is a community where […]
Among the ways employers can encourage better employee mental health is to focus on prevention by raising awareness, reduce structural barriers and provide mental-health education, said Manulife’s Gillian Wells during Benefits Canada‘s 2019 Mental Health Summit on Nov. 29 in Toronto. People often hide how they’re really feeling behind curtains of non-disclosure, which leaves them […]
The Canadian Mental Health Association is publishing a free resource to help employers develop new workplace impairment policies or update their existing ones. The guide’s goal is to promote mental health and wellness in the workplace and help employers understand their legal requirements, according to a press release. When creating policies focused on impairment, the resource recommended employers […]
The Mental Health Commission of Canada has launched a toolkit to help employers build an inclusive workplace. The toolkit outlines strategies and actions organizations can take to make their workplace more inclusive and welcoming to people living with a mental-health issue or illness. “These people are often referred to as aspiring workers, and are as qualified, reliable […]
Providing accommodation to employees with mental illness can yield major benefits savings of about $56,000 to $200,000 per employee over a five-year projection. Speaking at Benefits Canada’s 2018 Mental Health Summit Toronto on Nov. 12, Nitika Rewari, manager of workplace mental health at the Mental Health Commission of Canada, shared the results of employer case studies, […]
With mental health as an aspect of workplace disability on the rise in the electricity sector, Electricity Human Resources Canada has introduced an online portal to highlight the importance of accommodating employees with both mental and physical disabilities. “We know we need more workers, we need more diversity and we need awareness and knowledge,” says […]
Your employee has come to you to tell you that they’re having a difficult time with tasks at work. They don’t want time off, but they need your assistance in doing their job due to an undisclosed medical condition. You had no idea they were struggling with their health, and don’t really know what you can and cannot ask this employee. You certainly want to accommodate them to help them stay at work and remain effective. What should you do?
The Ontario Human Rights Commission has released a new policy that aims to provide user-friendly guidance on how to define, assess, handle and resolve human rights issues related to mental health and addiction disabilities.
For individuals who are dependent on alcohol and/or drugs, that dependency can be more than just a social issue—it can also can impact their performance at work. Drugs and alcohol not only affect people physically, but also mentally because their cognitive skills (e.g., decision-making skills) can become impaired, said Barb Butler, president of Barbara Butler […]