The Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund Board will transfer all of its funds to the Alberta Investment Management Corp. for management, according to the province’s latest budget. The ATRF board, which administers pensions for all teachers in Alberta school jurisdictions and charter schools, said in a press release it was only made aware of the change […]
Proxy voting played a major role in the Alberta Investment Management Corp.’s responsible investment strategy during the past year, according to its newly released annual responsible investment report for 2018-19. During the 2018/19 proxy voting season the AIMCo reviewed and approved more than 30,000 ballot items and voted on 99 per cent of 3,324 meetings […]
The Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund Board will transfer all of its funds to the Alberta Investment Management Corp., according to the province’s latest budget. The ATRF board, which administers pensions for all teachers in Alberta school jurisdictions and charter schools, said in a press release it was only made aware of the change when the budget was released […]
What if institutional investors could turn their portfolio companies’ quarterly earnings calls into actionable data by analyzing their sentiment over time? The Alberta Investment Management Corp. is attempting to do just that, in partnership with Edmonton-based machine learning company AltaML Inc. Using a form of artificial intelligence called natural language processing, AltaML is analyzing the […]
The Alberta Investment Management Corp. is partnering with machine learning company AltaML Inc., to build artificial intelligence and machine learning applications for the investment management space. This joint venture will leverage the AIMCo’s expertise in investment management and AltaML’s technological and development capabilities. The partners are working on use cases, or mini projects, in both […]
The Alberta Investment Management Corp. is buying an 85 per cent equity stake in the Northern Courier pipeline from TC Energy, formerly known as TransCanada Corp. After the transaction closes, which is expected to be in the third quarter of 2019, TC Energy will hold an aggregate 15 per cent share in the pipeline and […]
In a tough year for the returns of many pension plans, the Alberta Investment Management Corp. returned an aggregate net return of 2.5 per cent in 2018. “Market volatility made 2018 a challenging year,” said Dale MacMaster, the corporation’s chief investment officer, in a press release. “Delivering a positive return for our clients was a […]
On March 1, 2019, Alberta’s Local Authorities Pension Plan gained independence from the government by becoming a jointly sponsored pension plan. “The history of LAPP is that the Minister of Finance of the province of Alberta has historically been the trustee of the pension fund and the administrator of the plan, and this new legislation […]
The Alberta Investment Management Corp. is taking a majority stake in Eolia Renovables de Inversiones, a Spanish renewable energy producer, from Oaktree Capital Management and other shareholders. “AIMCo is very pleased to become the majority shareholder in Eolia Renovables,” said Ben Hawkins, senior vice-president of infrastructure and timber at the AIMCo, in a press release. “The company’s […]
A contentious election in Brazil that’s held the attention of the global investing community came to a conclusion on Oct. 28, 2018, with far-right congressman Jair Bolsonaro becoming the country’s president-elect. Canadian pensions have made some hefty allocations to the region of late. In the second half of 2018, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board acquired […]