Solid performance during tough times in Alberta
The London City airport will be bought by a consortium that includes the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, the Alberta Investment Management Corporation and Borealis Infrastructure, which manages infrastructure investments for the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, reports the Financial Times. The price tag is reported to be around £2 billion. The Financial Times says the […]
Remco van Eeuwijk steps into new role from MN.
AIMCo has appointed Helen M. Kearns to its board of directors.
A group of global institutional investors, including AIMCo, APG, CalPERS, and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, representing US$1.5 trillion, have announced the launch of GRESB Infrastructure, a global sustainability benchmark for infrastructure assets.
OMERS Private Equity (OPE) has signed a definitive agreement to acquire consulting firm Environmental Resources Management (ERM) from Charterhouse Capital Partners for US$1.7 billion.
Voice over exit. That’s the succinct phrase Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) uses to describe its philosophy on sustainable investing, preferring to engage with companies, rather than divesting.
Dale MacMaster insists his job is not that different from picking securities for a personal portfolio, reports Canadian Business.
Alberta Investment Management Corporation has appointed Dale MacMaster as chief investment officer, effective immediately.
The board of directors of Alberta Investment Management Corporation has appointed Kevin Uebelein as CEO.