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Keyword: alpha

41 results found
Looking for alpha

Hunting for alpha isn’t just about stock picking, say three portfolio managers.

The Intelligent ETF

What if ETFs could give better beta?

  • April 18, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 15:36
Top 40 Money Managers: At your service

There was a time when performance drove manager selection. But that was more than a decade ago, when most pension plans held a mix of bonds and equities, perhaps some real estate and very little else. Then it all blew up. What worked in the 1990s probably doesn’t work now. Certainly, traditional assets have not […]

  • By: Scot Blythe
  • November 6, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 07:00
Customized beta appealing: Northern Trust

Institutional investors are increasingly looking to customized beta strategies to meet fund objectives, according to research by Northern Trust.

  • By: Staff
  • March 6, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 11:51
Commodity Alpha in Tough Times

Uncorrelated performance and value protection in inflationary times.

What is Alpha? And Does It Still Exist?

Think of it as the dark matter of the investment world.

  • June 8, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 10:22
Canadian Hedge Funds Outperform: AIMA Canada Winner

Canadian hedge funds outperformed their global peers and were able to distinguish themselves based on their smaller asset size, which mirrors Canadian equity markets.


NSAHO pension plan puts real estate investment into perspective.

Greek Revival in the U.S. (Beware Municipals)

Given all the finger-pointing going on in the Eurozone, pundits provide a sober reminder that there will be few winners as this financial crisis unfolds.

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s (CPPIB) unique approach to investing comes down to alpha, beta and something they like to call “better beta.” In a case study for the Rotman International Journal of Pension Management, Don Raymond, senior vice-president of public market investments with the CPPIB, explains how the fund finds the sweet spot […]

  • By: Jody White
  • June 5, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00