annuities Page 20

Keyword: annuities

213 results found
Do new RRIF rules have GMWB implications?

Many cheered when the federal government lowered the minimum RRIF withdrawals in the 2015 budget, reports

  • By: Staff
  • October 5, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 12:47
DB buyouts expected to grow

Demand grows as firms look to shed pension liabilities.

  • By: Staff
  • March 25, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 21:26
New guidelines for buy-in annuities

Many employers that sponsor DB pension plans are considering reducing the risk in their plans. An approach to reduce risk that is gaining popularity is to purchase a group annuity in respect of all or a portion of a pension plan’s retiree (and in some cases deferred vested) obligations.

  • February 24, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 11:30
The evolution of annuities

The evolving annuity: where it’s been and where it’s going

NCR continues pension transformation strategy

NCR has purchased a single premium group annuity contract from The Principal to transfer about US$160 million ($185.8 million) of pension liabilities.

  • By: Staff
  • December 18, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 10:36
Visteon transferring some pension assets to Prudential

Visteon Corp. has entered into an agreement to transfer certain American pension assets to Prudential Insurance Company of America to settle approximately US$350 million of Visteon's US$1.1 billion in outstanding pension obligations.

  • By: Staff
  • July 16, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 14:50
Enabling pension plan rightsizing

Most regulators do not view a buyout group annuity purchase from an ongoing pension plan as a complete settlement of the obligations covered by the annuity. Some DB plan sponsors with a desire to reduce pension risk face this barrier.

  • May 22, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 12:40

Is 2014 the dawn of a new era in pension plan de-risking?

  • By: Tom Ault
  • April 1, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 07:00
Pension Peace of Mind

Coverage of the 2013 Risk Management Conference

How the Canadian Wheat Board de-risked its DB plan in a unique transaction

It was, literally, a big deal when the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) off-loaded the risk of its underfunded DB pension plan to Sun Life Financial with a $150-million group annuity purchase. Steering this complex deal seemed impossible at times—no Canadian pension plan had bought an inflation-adjusted group annuity before. But the Winnipeg-based grain marketer plowed […]