Keyword: baby boomers

95 results found
Canadians taking fewer holidays, earning less in 2020: report

Canadian employees are seeing significant workplace shifts amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report by payroll and benefits company Humi. It found employees took 40 per cent less vacation time in 2020 compared to 2019. Meanwhile, the number of sick day requests was “drastically higher” in the months leading up to the […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 20, 2020 November 20, 2020
  • 09:02

Despite the coronavirus pandemic’s severe and disproportionate impact on the health of aging adults, older Canadians say they’re coping far better than younger demographics, according to a new study by Edward D. Jones & Co. in partnership with Age Wave, a U.S.-based think tank focused on issues relating to aging populations. The study, which included […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 5, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 08:45
Retirement age rising for millennials, gen X and boomers: report

Freedom 55? It’s looking more like Freedom 70 for some Canadians, but there are strategies that working baby boomers, generation Xers and millennials can employ now to lower their retirement age, according to a new annual report by Mercer. The report found millennials often opt to invest conservatively in low-risk, short-term investments such as money market […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 25, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 09:15
Most Canadians unsure how much money they’ll need for retirement: survey

While Canadians said they plan to retire, on average, at age 62, 59 per cent said they can’t estimate how much money they’ll need to enjoy a comfortable retirement, according to a new survey by BMO Financial Group. The survey of 1,500 Canadians also found only half of respondents are hopeful they’ll have enough money […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 7, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 15:15
Gen Z, millennials expect employers to help them upskill: survey

Younger generations are more likely to expect their employers to provide training and development programs, according to a new survey by getAbstract. Almost all (93 per cent) survey respondents across generational cohorts said it was at least somewhat important for employers to provide these opportunities. But 84 per cent of generation Z employees and 74 […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 15, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 15:00
Niagara Casinos gambles with innovative pension communications

In November 2018, Niagara Casinos set up a pop-up coffee shop, called NC Café, across its three locations for a week. It was part of the company’s annual pension communications strategy, which also includes messaging on the employee intranet, seminars, targeted mailings and plan updates on fee reductions, contribution increases or investment fund changes. “This […]

Should employers use social media to communicate pension, benefits?

As social media becomes increasingly pervasive, employers should consider adding the tool to their communications arsenal. Indeed, David McArthur, principal and creative director at Morello Communications Inc., says it’s too big a phenomenon for plan sponsors to ignore. “It’s something we’re certainly seeing a lot more of,” notes Cameron McNeill, senior vice-president and Canadian business […]

Millennials understand role of fixed income better than baby boomers: survey

Millennials appear to understand how to use fixed income as part of investing for retirement better than older generations, according to a new survey by BNY Mellon Investment Management. The survey, which polled more than 2,000 American adults about the appropriate time to add fixed income to an investment portfolio, found 45 per cent of baby […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 21, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00
Are automatic DC plan features affecting the pension gender gap?

With cohorts in the workforce behaving differently as they prepare for retirement, it’s important for plan sponsors to consider these differences along gender and generational lines. At Benefits Canada’s 2019 Defined Contribution Investment Forum in Toronto on Sept. 27, Jean Young, senior research associate at the Vanguard Center for Investor Research, shared a survey that […]

Gen-X leaders not promoted as often as millennials, baby boomers: study

Generation X employees in leadership roles are overlooked for promotions at higher rates than their counterparts in other generations, according to a study by Development Dimensions International Inc. The study, which analyzed data from more than 25,000 leaders across industries and regions in an attempt to understand leadership advancement by generation, found the majority (66 per cent) of gen-X leaders received […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 1, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 15:00