British Columbia Municipal Pension Plan

Keyword: British Columbia Municipal Pension Plan

4 results found

Pension plan sponsors’ integration of artificial intelligence will be a disruptive event that will require a delicate approach with sufficient testing, according to Alpesh Sethia (pictured right), chief technology officer at the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan. Speaking during a panel session at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Investment Innovation Conference, he described the testing lab set […]

Chelsea Kittleson joined British Columbia’s Municipal Pension Plan at a time of change for the investment organization. The MPP’s executive director, who joined the plan sponsor in November 2023, has used her investment and operations background to implement and oversee a three-year strategic plan that includes long-term sustainable investment goals. Read: B.C. Municipal Pension Plan appointing […]

An article on the Association of Canadian Pension Management’s response to the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ draft risk management guideline was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. CAPSA pension risk management guideline too divergent, says ACPM 2. B.C. Municipal Pension Plan appointing […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 13, 2023 October 12, 2023
  • 09:00

Four of British Columbia’s public sector pension plans are educating trustees with a new plan-specific curriculum. The curriculum — a collaboration between the College Pension Plan, the Municipal Pension Plan, the Public Service Pension Plan and the Teachers’ Pension Plan — was developed in response to a lack of plan-specific information provided in external education […]