Keyword: Canadian defined benefit pension plans

65 results found

Canadian pension plan investments saw very modest gains in the third quarter of 2022 as both stock and bond markets responded favourably to the pace of interest rate hikes around the globe, according to a new report by Northern Trust Canada. The report, which tracks the performance of Canadian defined benefit plans, found the median […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 31, 2022 October 31, 2022
  • 15:00

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is investing in a packaging company servicing European and North American businesses, as well as an Indian renewable energy platform. The pension fund is securing its stake in GPA Global from EQT Private Equity and several smaller shareholders. Following the transaction, the Ontario Teachers’ will share control of the business […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 20, 2022 September 20, 2022
  • 11:00

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is allocating $5 billion to businesses with high-carbon emissions, according to its annual responsible investing and climate strategy report. “Recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis, we have committed to actively investing in select emissions intensive assets with the express goal of helping them decarbonize faster,” wrote Zlad Hindo, chief […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 6, 2022 September 6, 2022
  • 12:15

Yellow Pages Ltd. has secured the support of enough shareholders to approve a plan to bolster its defined benefit pension plan’s coffers. During a virtual meeting scheduled for Sept. 23, 2022, shareholders are expected to vote on a proposal to advance $24 million to the company’s DB plan. “Our board has approved the use of […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 1, 2022 August 31, 2022
  • 12:00
How commuted-value calculation changes will impact lump-sum DB pension payments

The value of a typical Canadian defined benefit pension plan’s assets declined in June, according to LifeWorks Inc.’s latest monthly report. An investment portfolio designed to mimic typical Canadian DB portfolios saw its assets decline by 5.4 per cent over the month. The benchmark portfolio is composed of 50 per cent equities and 50 per […]


Despite year-to-date asset losses and historically high levels of inflation, most Canadian defined benefit pension plans are reporting increased funded positions in the second quarter of 2022, according to a report by Mercer Canada. It found the median solvency ratio increased from 108 per cent as at March 31 to 109 per cent as at […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 5, 2022 July 4, 2022
  • 09:00

There are a lot of reasons to believe financial markets will be very different in the next 10 to 20 years than what pension funds have been used to, according to Aaron Bennett, chief investment officer of the University Pension Plan, during a session at the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute forum in Montreal last […]

As mask mandates lift and life gets back to normal, defined benefit plan sponsors and institutional asset managers are looking forward to re-engaging with each other in person. During the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, institutional asset managers and defined benefit plan sponsors — like everyone else — stayed connected virtually, but the vast […]


Canada’s defined benefit pension plans saw average losses of 5.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2022, according to a new report by RBC Investor and Treasury Services. During the quarter, DB plans saw their largest overall contraction of worth since the first quarter of 2020. In a press release, Niki Zaphiratos, managing director of […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 3, 2022 May 4, 2022
  • 11:30

The median Canadian defined benefit pension plan experienced a pullback in investment returns during the first quarter of 2022, returning negative 6.4 per cent as markets entered a heightened period of uncertainty, according to a new report by Northern Trust Canada. The report, which tracks the performance of Canadian DB plans that subscribe to Northern […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 25, 2022 April 26, 2022
  • 09:00