Keyword: capital accumulation plans

187 results found

While the vast majority (91 per cent) of Canadian workers say they’re saving for retirement, just 69 per cent are confident they’re saving enough, according to a survey by LIMRA. The survey, which polled more than 1,500 retirees and employees aged 40 to 85 years old with at least $100,000 in household investable assets, found fewer […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 29, 2024 January 26, 2024
  • 09:00

The impacts of climate change and federal super-priority legislation on Canadian pension plans are among the issues that the Canadian Institute of Actuaries is monitoring in 2024, says Simon Nelson, a principal at Eckler Ltd. and chair of the CIA’s pension practice committee. While climate change is a consideration across all of the CIA’s practice […]

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While it’s impossible to predict exactly how pension case law will evolve in future, one can offer an educated guess at some legislative developments and other issues that may confront pension plan sponsors and administrators in the coming year. Risk management Plan sponsors can expect a continued focus on risk management as a key part […]

A story on mental-health themes and challenges for 2024 was the most-read story on this week. Here are the top five human resources, benefits, pension and investment stories of the past week: 1. Expert panel: Employers taking preventative, holistic approach to employee mental health in 2024 2. AI holds uncapped potential for pension plan sponsors’ administration, communications: […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 12, 2024 January 11, 2024
  • 09:00
Copyright_Mariia Demchenko_123RF

With the arrival of the new year, there are three topics that will be important for pension plan sponsors, members and other industry stakeholders in 2024. The economy and financial markets At the end of 2023, the Canadian economy and the financial markets were still feeling the after-effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Read: Expert panel: […]

The assets of Canada’s top 10 capital accumulation plan providers increased by 12.9 per cent over the previous year, from roughly $250,366 million at June 30, 2022 to $282,772 million at June 30, 2023, according to the latest report by the Canadian Institutional Investment Network. The CIIN, which is a companion site to Benefits Canada […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 22, 2023 December 22, 2023
  • 09:00

Since this month’s editorial is my farewell (for just five months) as I prepare for the birth of my second child at the end of 2023, sitting down to write it prompted me to look back at my editorial three years ago when I was getting ready to become a parent for the first time. […]


While a majority (87 per cent) of U.S. employees believe it’s a good idea to review their workplace retirement savings plan during their company’s open enrolment period, just 44 per cent say they’ll review how much they contribute to their plan, according to a new survey released by Corebridge Financial Inc. The survey, which polled […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 13, 2023 November 13, 2023
  • 09:00

The food and beverage company’s manager of pension, benefits and wellness discusses fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment, the importance of flexible benefits and the soothing silence of swimming. Q: What top challenges do you face in your role?  A: In the realm of total rewards, simplification versus personalization is the challenge I experience […]

Working in the pension industry has always been aligned with Shannan Corey’s personal interests and values. Her father was an actuary so she was exposed to the pension industry from a very young age. After earning her mathematics degree at the University of Saskatchewan, she became an associate actuary, spending a few years in consulting […]

  • By: Sadie Janes
  • September 15, 2023 September 14, 2023
  • 08:56