Defined contribution pension plan members are currently in a different place, especially the younger generations, who are likely feeling as though their financial priorities don’t line up with workplace pensions the way they did for previous generations. “What I’m getting at here is the idea that retirement saving isn’t the undeniable consensus top priority it […]
In volatile market environments, adding real assets to defined contribution pension plan portfolios has the ability to provide diversification benefits and give members a “much smoother ride” to retirement, according to Andrew Knox, managing director of the Franklin global real asset fund at Franklin Templeton Investments. Speaking during Benefits Canada’s 2023 DC Investment Forum in […]
An article on Lululemon Athletica Inc.’s win in the Financial wellness category at Benefits Canada‘s 2023 Workplace Benefits Awards was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Lululemon’s retirement savings plans, financial literacy initiatives lead to award win 2. Telus Communications’ commitment to psychologically safe workplace leads to […]
Lululemon Athletica Inc.’s thorough and innovative approach to benefits communications resulted in a win at Benefits Canada‘s 2023 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 20. The apparel company won in the Benefits plan communications category for its detailed communications strategy — which includes professionally developed benefits overview videos and detailed guides for workers going on leave — and the […]
While more than two-thirds (69 per cent) of U.S. small- and medium-sized employers say the main reason they offer a retirement savings plan is to help employees save for the future, nearly half say they do so to help retain (47 per cent) and attract (40 per cent) top talent, according to a new survey by Capital […]
Lululemon Athletica Inc.’s extensive financial wellness offerings led to a win at Benefits Canada‘s 2023 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 20. The apparel company won in the Financial wellness category for its Fund Your Future program, which offers financial benefits and resources to support employees in making informed decisions no matter where they are in their financial journey. […]
The Saskatchewan Pension Plan is expanding its variable benefit option to all retiring plan members across Canada. The option, which was previously only available to Saskatchewan-based plan members, allows for continued investment choice and income flexibility, according to a press release, which noted members who opt for the variable benefit can consolidate funds by transferring […]
Nearly two-thirds (60 per cent) of global defined contribution pension plan members say they’re thinking differently about retirement amid rising inflation, according to a new survey by MFS Investment Management. The survey, which polled roughly 4,000 global DC plan members, found workers younger than age 45 were more likely to say they’ll need to save more […]
Canada’s retirement system ranks No. 12 out of 47 countries but has room for improvement amid a challenging economy and ageing population, according to a new report by Mercer and the CFA Institute. The report analyzed retirement systems based on adequacy, sustainability and integrity. It ranked the Netherlands with the highest score (85.1 out of 100), […]
While U.S. generation Z workers want to retire at age 61, 99 per cent of these employees say they’re facing obstacles to saving for a comfortable retirement, a nine per cent increase from 2022, according to a new survey by Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. The survey, which polled 1,000 401(k) plan participants, found the […]