Keyword: capital accumulation plans

495 results found
Key steps to engaging baby boomers in retirement

Currently in their 50s, 60s and 70s, baby boomers cover a wide age range — and their workplace pension plans are equally diverse. So determining what retirement looks like for this generation and helping them prepare is a significant challenge for employers. A good starting point is examining the pension world in which boomers currently […]

  • By: Bita Jenab
  • November 23, 2018 March 11, 2021
  • 08:57
CLHIA changing timeline for G19 compensation disclosure

After consulting with more than 500 advisors, the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association is making a number of changes to its G19 guideline pertaining to compensation disclosure in group benefits and group retirement services. The proposed guideline, which was introduced nearly a year ago, would require insurers to disclose to plan sponsors the compensation paid to intermediaries for […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 21, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 10:34
Tips for meeting CAPSA’s pension governance guidelines: Part III

The first two parts of this series explored the first 10 principles of the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ guidelines on pension governance. As a principles-based framework, the guidelines lay out what to strive for, leaving the how up to plan administrators. The final instalment in this series looks at the 11th principle, which recommends that […]

Ontario to move forward with variable benefits from DC pensions

The Ontario government is moving forward with legislation around variable benefits from defined contribution plans, facilitating mergers into jointly sponsored pension plans and enabling the electronic designation of beneficiaries in pension plans. In its 2018 economic outlook and fiscal review, released on Thursday, the province said it will move forward with the change, which was […]

Data, personas and generational focus keys to successful benefits, pension communication

It’s a constant challenge for employers to ensure their plan members understand and appreciate the pension and benefits programs available to them. It isn’t easy, but employers stand a better chance of success when the information is meaningful and relevant. The marketing and retail industries have been doing it for ages, to the point where personalization isn’t […]

  • November 13, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 08:30

Using a Canada-model pension plan, employees would see $5.32 in retirement income for every dollar they contribute compared to the typical $1.70 resulting from an individual approach, according to a new report by the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan. The report, The Value of a Good Pension, divides Canadian retirement options into five distinct types: an individual […]

Total number of active registered pension members on the rise: OSFI

The total number of active registered pension plan members in Canada rose nine per cent between 2006 and 2016, from 5.8 million to 6.3 million, according to a new notice from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. The percentage of active registered members participating in a contributory plan also increased during this period, rising from […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 26, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 16:00
Action on financial wellness nabs Niagara Casinos award win

Niagara Casinos’ multi-pronged approach and leveraging of company resources to promote financial literacy among employees contributed to its award for financial wellness at Benefits Canada’s 2018 Workplace Benefits Awards in Toronto on Oct. 11. The organization’s financial wellness program includes an employee intranet, which is available at work and from employee’s home computers. The network features graphics […]

Which countries rank highest for optimism about retirement readiness?

Measuring happiness has a role to play in determining the success of retirement solutions and their outcomes, according to a new global survey by State Street Global Advisors. The survey focused on the individual qualitative characteristics of trust, preparedness and ownership associated with certain countries’ retirement systems, exploring how happiness can be pertinent to overall perceptions […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 26, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 08:45
Why people are hard-wired to make bad financial decisions

The average Canadian isn’t rational about money, according to a personal finance expert speaking at the 2018 Defined Contribution Investment Forum in Toronto in September. “Personal finance is 90 per cent psychology and eight per cent math,” said Preet Banerjee. “The missing two per cent is a testament to how unimportant the math really is.” […]