Keyword: capital accumulation plans

495 results found
Plan sponsors favouring group RRSPs, DPSPs over DC plans

Employers in search of simpler retirement products for their workers are looking to group registered retirement savings plans and deferred profit-sharing plans as a solution, say experts at capital accumulation plan providers. Benefits Canada’s 2017 CAP Suppliers Report shows that the number of plan sponsors offering DPSPs has ballooned by 112 per cent over the past decade, from 3,539 […]

2017 CAP Member Survey: Plan sponsors urged ‘to be courageous’

Decumulation is a clear and significant concern for the sponsors of capital accumulation plans, the results of Benefits Canada’s 2017 CAP Member Survey show. The annual survey found 61 per cent of plan sponsors would be likely to allow their members to leave their assets within their plans after they retire if regulations allowed. Of […]

Canadian plans sponsors not measuring impact of DC pensions: survey

Few Canadian employers are tracking the impact of their defined contribution pension plans or measuring their outcomes, according to new research by Willis Towers Watson. It found only 26 per cent of survey respondents measure the retirement readiness of their employees at least every three years, while 30 per cent monitor it periodically and 40 […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 15, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:50
Whiskey company moving future hires to DC plan under new agreement

Hiram Walker & Sons Ltd. and Unifor Local 2027 have ratified a four-year collective agreement that includes moving to a defined contribution plan for future hires. The union, which represents 137 production and skilled trades workers at the distillery in Windsor, Ont., noted in a news release that 66 per cent of union membership voted […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 4, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:45
Financial Literacy Month: Allstate staff get 30-minute sessions with retirement consultant

While Allstate Insurance Co. of Canada provides several financial education and information sessions to employees throughout the year, it’s focusing on the importance of financial literacy this November to align its offerings with Canada’s Financial Literacy Month. “Financial wellness is actually a key component of our healthy workplace strategy at Allstate,” says Adrianne Sullivan-Campeau, the organization’s vice-president of human resources. Read: Just […]

Report suggests raising DC, RRSP contribution limit to 30%

The current environment is simply too difficult for Canadians to save adequately for retirement, given increased longevity and the low yields on appropriate investments, according to a new report by the C.D. Howe Institute that suggests raising contribution limits to retirements savings plans to 30 per cent per year. “People are living longer and — […]

Four ideas to mitigate challenges of Canada’s retirement savings gap

Macroeconomic trends such as longer lives, a lack of access to pensions and retirement supports, a low-growth environment, and persistent lack of financial literacy and trust in financial markets are creating a significant retirement savings gap between what people require in retirement and what they’ve actually saved. This is a global issue. But in Canada alone, […]

  • November 1, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:00
Are group TFSAs a suitable replacement for outgoing Canada savings bond program?

The Canadian government will discontinue the Canada savings bond and Canada premium bonds program on Nov. 1, 2017. While existing bonds will continue as usual until they mature or the purchaser redeems them, the option of buying them through a payroll savings program will now be off the table. The program reached peak popularity in the 1980s, but […]

Feds should apply logic of taxing employee discounts to public service pensions

The idea of taxing employee discounts appears to be on hold for now, but the government may reintroduce it at a later date. If it does, the Canada Revenue Agency may want to consider the implications a little more carefully. Employee discounts are already taxable when they’re substantial in nature. If an automobile company employee gets […]

Registered pension membership rises, DB plan coverage drops: OSFI

The total number of active members in registered pension plans rose steadily between 2005 and 2015, from 5.7 million to 6.3 million, an increase of 10 per cent, according to new data from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. However, the proportion of employees covered by a registered pension plan has declined very […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 13, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 16:30