childcare Page 11

Keyword: childcare

106 results found
Roche employees’ summer made easier through on-site kids camp

Take your kids to work day happens all summer long at the Indianapolis campus of Roche’s diagnostics division. The drug company has hosted an on-site summer day camp for employees’ children since 2012 in an effort to better support parents and provide work-life balance, says Cody Adams, a consultant in employee engagement at Roche. “Employees have […]

Move to 18-month parental leave criticized as ‘misguided’

The federal government’s plan to extend employment insurance parental benefits to 18 months is “misguided” and “sets a bad precedent,” according to a number of employer and employee representatives discussing the changes on Thursday in front of the Senate committee on social affairs, science and technology. “The low EI maternity and parental benefit rate is […]

Have your say: Is childcare an employer’s responsibility?

Earlier this week, Benefits Canada reported that Queen’s University is now giving stipends to its postdoctoral scholars to help with the cost of childcare. The university already offered similar benefits to faculty members and non-academic staff. Read: Queen’s University to offer childcare stipend to postdocs The perk is more common in the higher education sphere. Employees at the […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 18, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:04
Queen’s University to offer childcare stipend to postdocs

Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont. has created a $55,000 fund to support postdoctoral scholars’ childcare responsibilities. Fellows are eligible to receive $2,000 per dependent child under age 12 per year to offset the cost of childcare. If the fund receives more claims than it can fund, each claim will be reimbursed on a prorated basis. There […]

Economic council suggests backtrack on retirement age

The federal government’s advisory council on economic growth has released its second wave of recommendations that include extending the age of eligibility for the Canada Pension Plan, establishing a reasonable process for requesting flexible working arrangements and creating a universal subsidized childcare program to get more women into the workforce. The advisory council believes allowing CPP and […]

New ruling muddies the waters for employers dealing with family status accommodation

A ruling by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario at the end of 2016 could make it easier for employees to bring claims for family status discrimination against their employers. The case, Misetich v. Value Village Stores Inc., involved an employee who had refused to accept certain proposed scheduling changes designed to accommodate her physical limitations. The […]