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The result of the federal election could have a direct impact on working parents. The Liberal Party made a national $10 a day childcare system a key part of its budget in the spring. However, the Conservative Party, if elected, is promising to immediately scrap these plans. In its election platform, the Conservatives set out a plan […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 15, 2021 September 15, 2021
  • 09:00

Amid the ongoing federal election campaign, the Liberal Party is promising to table legislation that would allow employers to request proof of a coronavirus vaccination without fear of a legal challenge. While few details were provided, the legislation would pertain to vaccination requirements for employees and customers, according to a press release. Read: Where do […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 9, 2021 September 9, 2021
  • 15:00

While kids across the country are heading to school in-person this week, it’s far from the return to normal working parents had been hoping for. The uncertainty wrought by the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic across Canada, means the continuation of remote working for parents alongside remote learning for kids is a strong possibility […]

Mélanie Perreault knows firsthand how hard it can be for employees to juggle raising children while simultaneously building a career. The onsite daycare at L’Oréal Canada’s distribution centre in Saint-Laurent, Que. has been key to balancing these priorities for the beauty company’s director of management and development of human resources, operations, information technology, sourcing and […]

As employers and their employees exit the coronavirus pandemic, they’ll be confronted with a host of new challenges, said Linda Duxbury, Chancellor’s professor in management at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business, during the keynote session of Benefits Canada’s 2021 Benefits & Pension Summit this week. “Much like with a tsunami, [smaller] waves are going […]

Amid the second (and hopefully last) year of the coronavirus pandemic, employers are starting to plan for the post-pandemic future. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic, forcing many employers around the globe to rapidly shift mainly white-collar employees to working from home. By April 2020, in Canada, […]

Amid mounting pressure from both the public and private sectors for an action plan that provides affordable childcare for Canadian working parents, on Monday, the federal government unveiled its 2021 budget proposal for a national community-based childcare system. Once partisan policy, many business and union leaders have been aligned on the issue of affordable childcare in […]

Federal opposition leaders are criticizing the Liberal government’s first budget in two years for omitting pharmacare, while suggesting alternatives to a proposed $30-billion national childcare system. Debate began in the House of Commons Tuesday with leaders pushing to shape the economic blueprint more to their liking. Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says he knows where […]


In its 2021 budget on Monday, the federal government said it’s proposing nearly $30 billion over the next five years towards a national community-based childcare system. The budget stated that starting in 2021/2022, an investment of up to $27.2 billion over five years will bring the federal government to a 50/50 share of childcare costs […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 20, 2021 April 20, 2021
  • 09:00

The head of the Bank of Nova Scotia is urging Ottawa to top up the annual Canada Child Benefit and increase childcare expense deductions, ahead of the federal budget announcement slated for April 19. During the bank’s annual general meeting on April 13, Brian Porter, chief executive officer of Scotiabank, said he wants the benefit […]