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The virus outbreak in China has put South Korea’s economy into an “emergency situation,” its president says. Japan is on the brink of recession and big manufacturers are forecasting a whole world of woe. As many Chinese finally go back to work after their longest Lunar New Year holiday ever, the economic fallout from the […]


North American stock markets marched to record highs Thursday on dissipating virus risks and China saying it would cut tariffs on U.S. imports in half. After two risk-on days, investors have sunk more money into defensive sectors such as telecommunications, consumer staples, real estate investment trusts, gold and utilities in both Canada and the U.S. […]


The recent publication of the U.S.-China trade deal and the final macroeconomic numbers for 2019 should set the stage for healthy economic performance and stronger market sentiment in China in 2020. But the risk of a return to tense relations between Washington and Beijing looms over 2021 and beyond. President Donald Trump appears to believe […]

Should investors keep calm and carry on in the face of the coronavirus?

China’s markets are reeling from the economic ramifications of the coronavirus. With more foreign institutional investor capital allocated to the region than ever before, investors can do little else but wait to see whether the outbreak will merely cause a blip on their trading screens or if the virus will continue to spread. On Monday […]


The Shanghai Composite index tumbled nearly eight per cent on Monday as Chinese regulators moved to stabilize markets jolted by a virus that has spread to more than 20 countries, slamming regional tourism and threatening global growth. The outbreak of the virus in China has prompted governments around the world to step up surveillance and […]


Just as the outlook for the global economy had been brightening in recent months, a new threat has suddenly emerged in the form of the viral outbreak in China. That was the cautionary message that Chairman Jerome Powell delivered Wednesday after the Federal Reserve held interest rates low after its latest policy meeting. Speaking at […]


U.S. business economists are slightly more optimistic about economic growth than they were three months ago, and most foresee sales at their companies remaining solid. Those findings emerge from the latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics being released Monday. It found that 67 per cent of the business economists who responded to […]


An international outbreak of respiratory illness sparked by a novel coronavirus has spread from its origins in central China to at least 11 countries, with more than 1,200 confirmed cases and over 40 deaths. Like previous outbreaks, including the SARS virus 17 years ago, the flu-like disease poses a risk to economies around the world […]

Will emerging Asia outperform against an improving global backdrop?

With the global economy recently experiencing some significant tailwinds, will that backdrop be enough to push emerging markets, especially Asian economies, to outperform? Signs of stabilization are peeking through, with central banks acting as the key heroes by providing stimulus, said Eric Lascelles, chief economist at RBC Global Asset Management Inc., in a webinar on […]

Several factors are pointing to a possible rebound in emerging market stocks this year. Stocks in China and other developing economies notched solid gains in 2019, but lagged the blockbuster market returns delivered by publicly traded companies in the U.S. and other developed economies. The U.S.-China trade war and signs of slowing global economic growth […]