Keyword: chronic disease

221 results found
Immunotherapy innovations beneficial in kidney cancer treatment

While kidney cancer is uncommon in patients younger than age 45, there’s an increasing incidence in diagnosis in young people because of the advent of imaging technology, according to Dr. Nazanin Fallah-Rad, medical oncologist at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Mount Sinai Hospital. “There’s an increasing incidence of younger people being diagnosed with kidney cancer and […]

2020 Drug Plan Trends Report: Developments, data and design

Taking a look at private drug plans in 2020, a number of trends are converging: spending on specialty drugs is continuing its upward trajectory, advancements in a number of lifechanging therapies are in the pipeline and policy developments are coming at both the federal and provincial levels. In the face of this potential storm, plan […]

Employers should be closely examining the underlying drivers of cost growth in their drug plans, according to a new report by Innovative Medicines Canada. “Typically, [plan sponsors] get their report at the end of the year, they’ll see a cost for their drug plan and they don’t know what’s driving it,” says Joe Farago, the […]

Considering the connection between chronic illnesses and mental health

Over the last 40 years, the mortality morbidities of cancer, HIV and cardiovascular disease have dropped dramatically, but the mortality of suicide has gone up, according to Dr. Sam Ozersky, president and chief executive officer of FeelingBetterNow. “Ten people per day, mostly from the ages of 15 to 25, die from suicide,” he said during […]

What to expect for health benefits in 2020

Looking ahead to 2020, the big story for health benefits is often avoided because it isn’t easy to address. It’s the elephant in the room. Over the past year, there’s been no shortage of momentum in new and emerging product offerings in the health benefits space — everything from digital cognitive behavioural therapy to virtual […]

  • December 24, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 06:30
Global health benefits costs expected to rise slightly in 2020: survey

With employer-provided health benefits costs expected to increase globally in 2020, mental and behavioural conditions are predicted to become more common over the next five years, according to a new survey by Willis Towers Watson. The annual survey of global medical insurers found health-care costs are expected to rise at a similar rate as previous […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 27, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 15:30
New drug therapies for common conditions could impact private plan sustainability

While medical advancements and drug therapy innovations have been life-changing for patients and plan members, they also come with increasing costs, said Victoria Shaw, drug benefits manager at Alberta Blue Cross, speaking at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Calgary Drug Trends Summit on Oct. 24. Between 2011 to 2017, the number of high-cost drugs doubled. From 2016 to 2017, in […]

Health-care cost of migraine rising as patients face reduced wages, lost productivity

Although migraine is disabling, it’s also very common, with 2.7 million or 8.3 per cent of Canadians suffering from the condition, according to Dr. Farnaz Amoozegar, a neurologist and clinical assistant professor at the University of Calgary.  The condition affects one in seven people and is the second-leading cause of disability worldwide, she said during […]

How one Niagara Casinos employee advocated for continuous glucose monitoring coverage

When it came to asking his employer to add continuous glucose monitoring to its benefits package, John Whitehead, a level-two food server at Niagara Casinos, went all in. He’s had type 1 diabetes for years, and lived through many technological developments to help manage his condition. While he says blood glucose monitoring represented a major improvement, it […]

How employers, health-care policies can support employees with irritable bowel disease

With around 270,000 individuals currently affected by irritable bowel disease, Canada has the highest prevalence in the world, according to Mina Mawani, president and chief executive officer of Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Halifax Benefits Summit on Sept. 24. “And this is going to increase significantly. We’re going to be […]