Keyword: chronic disease

221 results found
A look at the newest innovative medications for diabetes management

As the prevalence of diabetes continues to rise, so do the increases in cost, according to Adam Hotchkiss, medical science liaison at Novo Nordisk Canada, during Benefits Canada‘s 2019 Halifax Benefits Summit on Sept. 24. “In 2010, $11.7 billion was spent in Canada on the treatment of diabetes as well as its complications,” he said. “This is […]

Managing diabetes in the new era of glucose monitoring technology

Since diabetes is a progressive disease, it’s important to get treatment in the middle, according to Dr. Thomas Ransom, endocrinologist at the Nova Scotia Health Authority, during Benefits Canada‘s 2019 Halifax Benefits Summit on Sept. 24. If diabetes is under-treated, blood sugars go up and stick to things — eyes, kidneys, nerves, feet, he said. And if it’s […]

Employers, health-care professionals and people living with obesity disagree on how the disease develops, how to manage it and who’s responsible for treatment, according to a new study by Obesity Canada. The study, which was published in the journal Clinical Obesity this month, surveyed 150 employers, 395 physicians and 2,000 individuals living with obesity. More than […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 11, 2019 April 5, 2021
  • 09:00
Canadian health benefits costs expected to grow 6% in 2020: report

The cost of employer-provided health benefits in Canada is forecasted to rise six per cent in 2020, outpacing general inflation by 1.9 per cent, according to a 2020 trend rates report by Aon. The increase is due to higher costs from the rising spend on drugs in general, noted a press release. Globally, costs for employer-sponsored medical plans in 2020 are expected to increase […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 16, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00
Which health conditions are impacting benefits plans?

The Health Association of Nova Scotia, which has a number of different employers in its benefits plan, cites rheumatoid arthritis medications as its top drugs in terms of cost. “Chronic disease, in terms of inflammatory disease — not just for rheumatoid, but for Crohn’s disease as well — those are what we’re seeing from a […]

How employers can support staff with diabetes-related hypoglycemia

When an employee with diabetes is working in a safety-sensitive role experiences severely low blood sugar, what are the ramifications for employers? This question was addressed at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Chronic Disease at Work conference in Toronto in June. “For you, as an employer, what if this was your employee on their way to meet […]

Healthy eating programs may affect employer health costs

Workplace programs to promote healthy food choices could improve employees’ eating habits, according to a study by researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. A two-year study at the hospital examined the purchasing habits of almost 5,700 employees before and after researchers put in place a “traffic light labeling and choice architecture program.” […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 27, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 08:35
Study finds health issues linked to older workers’ reasoning abilities, job demands

Older workers whose reasoning abilities no longer permit them to meet the demands of their jobs are more likely to develop chronic health conditions and retire early, according to new research by the American Psychological Association. In the study, published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, the authors used a subset of data from the longitudinal […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 19, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 15:30
A look at ‘brain fog’ and its impact on employees

While “brain fog” isn’t a clinical condition, it feels like forgetfulness, slow thinking and difficulty concentrating. It happens to everyone at some point and can often impact productivity at work. Some common causes of brain fog include stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, hormonal changes from pregnancy or andropause/menopause, an unhealthy diet, vitamin B12 deficiency, chemotherapy and side-effects […]

Survey finds majority of employers planning to invest in workplace wellness

The majority of plan members (77 per cent) and plan sponsors (85 per cent) agreed their workplace culture encourages health and wellness, according to the 2019 Sanofi Canada health-care survey. Among plan members with a workplace wellness culture, 61 per cent said the quality of the health benefits plan is excellent of very good, compared […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 24, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00