While the World Health Organization defines stress as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain, simply put, it’s the body’s response to anything that requires attention or action, according to Sherry Hnatyshyn-Webster, Carepath Inc.’s managing director, speaking during a session at Benefits Canada‘s 2023 Chronic Disease at Work conference in early […]
We live in an information ecosystem — especially when talking about obesity — that’s full of misinformation, fads and gimmicks, said Ian Patton, director of advocacy and public engagement at Obesity Canada, during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2023 Chronic Disease at Work conference in early February. In the session, supported by Desjardins Insurance, he noted […]
When it comes to chronic conditions, there’s a difference in understanding and appreciating — “and this difference goes a long way in helping employers navigate their disability claims and accommodations,” said Yvonne Murphy, director of disability claims and group benefits at Sun Life Financial Inc., during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2023 Chronic Disease at Work conference. […]
Stigmatization is a pervasive issue for people living with a substance-use disorder, said Anthony Esposti, chief executive officer at the Community Addictions Peer Support Association, during a session at Benefits Canada’s Chronic Disease at Work conference in February. Stigma is best understood as a deeply held set of false beliefs about a group of people […]
In 2021, more than 50 per cent of people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis said their condition has had a negative impact at work, according to Antonella Scali, executive director at the Canadian Psoriasis Network, speaking during a session at the annual Canadian Arthritis Research Conference last week. People living with inflammatory conditions often report […]
Running for more than 17 years, Benefits Canada‘s Face to Face Drug Plan Management Forum is the industry’s most popular drug benefits conference. In 2022, the event returned to a face-to-face format at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto on Dec. 6. Attendees learned about fresh drug plan design insights, including a new drug launch panel […]
As pharmacists’ scope of practice evolves across the country, their expanded role in drug plan management can improve plan member health and positively impact plan sponsors’ bottom lines. Challenges in the Canadian health-care system — such as the millions of people who don’t have access to a family doctor, extended emergency rooms wait times or […]
With the cost of drug claims continuing to rise in 2021, benefits plan sponsors can enable certain drug programs to curb costs, keeping their plans sustainable and offering the benefits that members highly value, said Lavina Viegas, director of pharmacy operations at Telus Health, during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2022 Face to Face Drug […]
While a transplant can be life-altering for a patient as a permanent cure for their underlying condition, it can also profoundly affect their immune system, according to Dr. Matthew Cheng, assistant professor in transplant infectious diseases and medical mycology at McGill University, speaking during a panel discussion at Benefits Canada’s Face to Face Drug Plan […]
The costs of employer-sponsored medical benefits in Canada are expected to rise 7.5 per cent in 2023, according to a new report by Aon. The report analyzed responses from more than 100 Aon offices that broker, administer or advise on employer-sponsored medical plans across the world. Consistent with last year, it found the medical conditions […]