Keyword: chronic disease

221 results found

Lupus, a chronic but “invisible” autoimmune disease with no cure, is a life-altering diagnosis that impacts all areas of patients’ lives, including their work performance. But there’s plenty employers can do to support these employees and help them continue to thrive at work, said Leanne Mielczarek, executive director of Lupus Canada, during Benefits Canada’s 2022 […]

“Diabetes is a disease that you do not see from the outside,” said Kayla O’Connell, who lives with type 1 diabetes and is a sales support associate at Medtronic, during a session at Benefits Canada‘s 2022 Chronic Disease at Work event in February. About 10 per cent of Canadians with diabetes have type 1, while […]

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic, progressive disease characterized by the body’s resistance to the effect of insulin and, over time, the gradual loss of the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin, according to Dr. Donna Mojdami, a clinical research physician in diabetes at Eli Lilly Canada, speaking during a session at Benefits Canada‘s 2022 Chronic […]

The burden of musculoskeletal disease has had a significant impact on the lives of Canadians at home and at work, said Alison Dantas, chief executive officer at Canadian Chiropractic Association during Benefits Canada‘s 2022 Chronic Disease at Work event in February. According to the World Health Organization, musculoskeletal conditions are the leading cause of disability around […]

Musculoskeletal issues have a far-reaching impact on the mental, physical and emotional wellness of benefits plan members and their families — however, they also come at a cost to plan sponsors. According to Sun Life Assurance. Co.’s 2020 disability claims, 20 per cent were related to musculoskeletal health conditions and 30 per cent of these affected […]

Kristy Dickinson woke up on a recent Monday unable to move her body. The delay waiting for medication and a heating pad to kick in threw off her morning routine and a flare-up of gastrointestinal symptoms forced her to reschedule back-to-back work meetings. She wasn’t able to get her work done until later in the […]

People living with multiple sclerosis can continue to thrive in the workforce with early access to specialists in the disease and accommodations that give them control over their work environment. “MS really has a pretty broad impact on affected individuals’ health system and [on] society,” said Ruth Ann Marrie, professor of medicine and community health […]

It took an “intense, painful and scary” flare and emergency surgery at age 38 for Marie-Josée Lafleur (pictured right) to finally be diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, after being misdiagnosed for 15 years. IBD, which is typically diagnosed between ages 16 and 30, is caused by the body’s immune system attacking the gastrointestinal tract, creating […]

While about a million Canadians live with psoriasis, one in three will go on to develop psoriatic arthritis, said Rachael Manion, executive director of the Canadian Association of Psoriasis Patients and the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance, during a session supported by UCB Canada Inc. at Benefits Canada‘s 2022 Chronic Disease at Work event in February. Psoriasis […]

Women who develop inflammatory arthritis or psoriasis often do so in the prime of their lives, leaving them with concerns related to their reproductive and sexual health. But they struggle to find support in their employer-sponsored benefits plans. “We know that diversity, equity and inclusion are a really big piece of [human resources] these days,” […]