Keyword: cognitive behavioural therapy

57 results found
Ignoring psychosocial oncology can be costly for organizations

When a person experiences a cancer diagnosis and undergoes treatment, it can be one of the most distressing experiences they can go through, so it’s important for employers to understand psychosocial oncology. “We’re now collecting evidence to show that proactive care — psychosocial oncology — is effective in helping people prepare and deal with psychological […]

Ontario’s new publicly funded cognitive behavioural therapy program is likely to complement, not replace, the CBT offerings that are currently available through group benefits plans, say experts.  Last week, the Ontario government announced it will invest $20 million to launch Mindability, which it will roll out in the spring and further expand in the fall. The program will provide […]

What tools can employers use to address employees’ sleep concerns?

While insomnia is a disorder, it’s just as commonly a symptom, which most people and physicians don’t grasp, said Dr. Atul Khullar, medical director at the Northern Alberta Sleep Clinic. A lot of times, not sleeping is essentially the body breaking down because of a separate disorder, risk factor or residual symptom of a mental-health […]

Canadians say employers’ mental-health supports crucial to view of workplace: survey

More than three-quarters (76 per cent) of Canadians said the support offered by their employer around mental health is critical to how they view their workplace, according to a new survey by Morneau Shepell Ltd. Speaking at Morneau Shepell’s annual mental-health summit in Toronto on Wednesday, Paula Allen, the organization’s senior vice-president of research, analytics and […]

10 key factors for ensuring the success of a digital therapy program

In recent years, advancements in technology have led to the development and cost-effective delivery of sophisticated digital mental-health programs, with burgeoning resources for common mental-health problems. Today, a Google search for ‘digital therapies for anxiety’ yields more than 67 million results, while ‘digital therapies for depression’ brings up more than 80 million results, said Dr. […]

A look at how internet-based CBT programs are evolving

Internet-based programs are the future of mental-health therapy, according to Peter Gove, the former innovation leader in health management at Green Shield Canada, speaking during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Toronto Mental Health Summit on Nov. 29. “Cognitive behavioural therapy is probably the most adaptable therapy to a digital environment because it’s very manualized — you […]

SSQ partners with Haleo, MindBeacon on digital CBT

SSQ Life Insurance Co. Inc. is partnering with Haleo and MindBeacon Software Inc. to offer digital cognitive behavioural therapy to group insurance plan members. Both companies offer online CBT, with Haleo’s tool focusing on sleep disorders and MindBeacon’s option directed at mild to moderate anxiety and depression symptoms. The partnerships are part of a broader digital health strategy, according to the insurer, which is aiming to […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 14, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 15:30
Accessibility and affordability touted as benefits of online mental-health programs

Plan sponsors looking to improve their mental-health benefits should consider offering online psychotherapy treatment programs for members, says Peter Gove, former innovation leader in health management at Green Shield Canada. “Just increasing the amount of coverage is a good thing, but probably insufficient,” he says. “The problem with just increasing the level of coverage is […]

Workplace mental-health training on the rise: Sanofi survey

Half (51 per cent) of plan sponsors said they have a mental-health training program in place for managers and/or employees, up from 37 per cent in 2018, according to the 2019 Sanofi Canada health-care survey. The prevalence of mental-health training is even higher among plan sponsors with 500 or more staff (73 per cent), as well as unionized […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 25, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00
How does cognitive behavioural therapy actually work?

Everyone is talking about cognitive behavioural therapy, but do most people understand it? It’s important for plan sponsors to fully understand what they’re paying for when they decide to provide mental-health benefits, said Peter Gove, innovation leader in health management at Green Shield Canada, in a session at Benefits Canada‘s 2019 Vancouver Benefits Summit at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel […]

  • June 14, 2019 November 10, 2020
  • 07:57