Keyword: communication

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The coronavirus pandemic is expected to impact employers’ short-term disability claims’ experience as workers fall ill and require time off work to recover from the virus, but plan sponsors may also have to prepare for an increase in long-term disability claims after the crisis eventually ends. The spike in claims could follow the same pattern as it did […]

Gather data on CAP member behaviour to inform communications in a crisis

In normal circumstances, pension plan members don’t respond well to being inundated with information about their plans. Typically, a deluge of content can turn off plan members, says Jillian Kennedy, leader of defined contribution and financial wellness at Mercer Canada. But today’s circumstances are far from ordinary. “Right now, you can’t over communicate.”  In 2008, the financial […]

It’s the only story around these days. COVID-19 — the coronavirus — has broken out all over the world, leading to strain on health-care resources, uncertainty in capital markets and strict social distancing and lockdown measures from governments. The pandemic is naturally causing fear, anxiety and uncertainty, both among employees and among managers. But here’s […]

Ryerson provides virtual lunch and learns, remote work guide for staff during coronavirus

Ryerson University is taking a well-rounded approach toward supporting its staff and faculty who are working from home due to the coronavirus outbreak. The university has released a new guide to remote working, covering best practices such as developing a routine, setting up an ergonomic workspace and establishing an after-work ritual to signal the day […]

As employers across the globe adjust their work environments to help slow down the spread of the coronavirus, one thing that shouldn’t get lost in the fray is a focus on supporting employees’ mental health. Employees are facing a myriad of stressors right now, including financial worries about the effects of the volatile market on […]

70% of employees satisfied with employer communications around coronavirus: survey

Employees are mostly satisfied with employers’ communications around the coronavirus crisis, according to a new survey by Fierce Inc. The survey polled more than 1,000 people last week, prior to the World Health Organization declaring the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. It found nearly 70 per cent felt their employer was very or somewhat clearly communicating […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 20, 2020 November 11, 2020
  • 09:15

The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network is working to make counselling from Indigenous elders available to employees in several provinces through its employee assistance program. The APTN has reached out to six elders in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Nova Scotia, with three to date confirming they’ll participate. Once the APTN has sufficient elders on board, […]

Survey shows strong support for flexible, remote working post-coronavirus

Canadian politicians, public health officials and chief executive officers have all urged Canadians to practice social distancing in a bid to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus pandemic. Many global technology companies, including Inc., Facebook Inc., Google and Twitter, ramped up work-from-home programs last week. And Ottawa-headquartered Shopify Inc. has emerged as a leader […]

80% of U.S. employers set to have financial wellness program by 2023: survey

While fewer than half (42 per cent) of U.S. employers are currently offering financial wellness programs, that number is set to almost double to 80 per cent by 2023, according to a survey by the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. The survey, which questioned nearly 900 U.S. employers, found 90 per cent of respondents said their primary reason for […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 12, 2020 November 11, 2020
  • 15:30
How are insurers working with plan sponsors amid coronavirus pandemic?

The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association has been conducting weekly calls with its members since mid-January to discuss issues around the ongoing coronavirus crisis, including how insurers can develop messaging and policies to communicate to plan sponsors. “We’ve basically been facilitating weekly calls to say, ‘OK, we have a very fluid situation.’ It changes […]