Keyword: communication

555 results found
Plan sponsor panel: Customizing plan design, communication key for DC members

In determining which savings options to offer employees, a key component is understanding the workforce and its goals, as well as communicating the offering in a way they can understand, according to a panel on engaging workers in defined contribution pensions at Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. Thak Bhola, […]

Employers are increasingly including diversity and inclusion objectives in their benefits, compensation, workplace culture and well-being initiatives, according to new research by Willis Towers Watson. The survey, which polled 535 U.S. employers, found 55 per cent of employers have promoted diversity and inclusion initiatives relating to workplace policies and culture to their employees in the last three […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 11, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 09:50
Great-West Life, psychologist launch tool for evaluating workplace psychological safety

The Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace and founder Joti Samra are launching an online tool aimed at helping employers assess their leaders’ ability to foster psychologically safe workplaces. The tool can be used by employers to evaluate how they implement and promote communication and collaboration, social intelligence, problem solving and conflict management, safety […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 26, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 15:15
The employer role in bridging gap in cancer support

When Lisa Machado was diagnosed with a rare leukemia 11 years ago, one of her biggest challenges was finding emotional support and education. “And so in the days after I was diagnosed, I joined the clinical trial, mostly because I was anxious and wanted to make sure that if anything happened, it would be watched very closely. […]

Employees have multi-dimensional lives, with responsibilities outside the workplace that affect how they perform within it. This is why companies that are consistently recognized as family-friendly are maximizing their workers’ potential by helping take care of their families through benefits and wellness programs. Samuel, Son & Co., a family owned and operated metal and distribution […]

Q&A with Bruce Power’s Monica Warnell

Bruce Power Ltd. Partnership’s manager of human resources and total rewards shares her view on optimizing the benefits plan, enjoying the great outdoors and employee assistance programs. Q. What are the top challenges you face in your role? A. Getting employees to be active participants in the benefits plan. We’re trying to encourage individuals to […]

Humour expressed by women in workplace seen as dysfunctional: study

Female humour is seen as dysfunctional in the workplace compared to men who are funny (or try to be) in work settings, according to a study by researchers at the University of Arizona and University of Colorado at Boulder. The researchers tested how humour is viewed by co-workers when delivered from a male leader as opposed to a […]

Q&A with CAA Atlantic’s Morag Duncan

The Canadian Automobile Association Atlantic Ltd.’s vice-president of human resources talks employee wellness and education, tax-free savings accounts and learning how to code. Q. What are the top challenges you face in your role? A. I would say trying to balance programs that fit the needs of everyone. It’s difficult. We have fleet drivers out […]

  • By: Ryan Murphy
  • February 15, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:50
Dress up pension communications for better impact

I recently flew to Los Angeles to visit my sister, and right before the standard safety video, the onboard screens showed an appealing commercial for a beach resort in a gorgeous tropical location. The ad featured glamorous-looking people doing fun and relaxing activities, such as floating in a pool of crystal-clear water, dancing in a nightclub […]

  • February 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:55
Dealing with stigma of returning to work after mental-health leave

Depression is pervasive and creates problems within individual relationships, but also within workplace relationships. Looking at how to have more affective conversations about depression is important to ensure people have better access to the skill-based care they need at work. But how can employers create an environment where people get help before they need to take […]