Martin Winterkorn, Volkswagen's former CEO, amassed a US$32 million pension before he stepped down on Wednesday, Bloomberg News reports.
Canadian employees can expect an average total salary increase of 3% in 2016, an Aon survey finds.
Faced with economic challenges and the decline in commodity prices, Canadian organizations continue to be cautious with salary increases in 2016.
Canadians can expect to see average base salary increases of 2.4% in 2016, a Hay Group survey finds.
CFA charterholders earned an average of $280,454 in 2014, up from $239,215 in 2011, finds a CFA Societies Canada survey.
Employers in Canada are expecting salaries to rise by an average of 2.5% in 2016, according to Morneau Shepell’s annual Trends in Human Resources survey. This is down from the average 2.8% salary increase expected for 2015, as reported in last year’s survey. The average includes expected salary freezes. Read: Making the best use of […]
Government workers have higher wages and benefits than their private sector counterparts, according to two reports.
There’s nothing like a new employee getting their dream job—and there’s nothing like a company getting its dream candidate. But it’s more than just a matter of negotiating salary.
It’s easy to forget that when you’re interviewing potential employees, they’re also assessing you, reports Profit.
Canadian-based compensation programs can be highly influenced by the U.S. dollar and the weakened loonie can cause many challenging issues over the coming months, says Mercer Canada.