Keyword: compensation

254 results found
Benefits management key to successful M&A

As corporate merger and acquisition activity continues to increase, companies need to adjust how they leverage their compensation and benefits programs. The restructuring of these programs plays a critical role in retaining key talent during the transactions, according to a new survey by Hewitt Associates. Furthermore, findings from Hewitt’s M&A survey of 103 companies revealed […]

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s (CPPIB) unique approach to investing comes down to alpha, beta and something they like to call “better beta.” In a case study for the Rotman International Journal of Pension Management, Don Raymond, senior vice-president of public market investments with the CPPIB, explains how the fund finds the sweet spot […]

  • By: Jody White
  • June 5, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Executives at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board are facing uncomfortable questions on bonuses after a year in which they incurred record losses. After announcing a -18.62% loss for the year 2008, it was revealed this week that five top officers at the pension fund are eligible for more than $15 million in bonuses, prompting […]

  • By: Jody White
  • May 29, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Other Brieflies this week:| MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | Canada’s labour productivity fell in the fourth quarter of 2008 for the fifth time in six quarters, according to Statistics Canada. Productivity, a measure of how much an employee produces in an hour of work, fell 0.5%, surprising economists who had […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 17, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Other World Views this week:| MON | TUE | WED | | FRI | U.S. companies are cutting back on the annual bonuses and long-term incentives they pay their executives, according to a survey. Watson Wyatt’s The Effect of the Economy on Executive Compensation Programs survey of 264 companies across a variety of industries found […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 12, 2008 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Despite the less than optimal economic circumstances in Canada, companies polled in Mercer’s 2009 Compensation Planning Survey say that they are still committed to investing in talent and that they recognize the need to have the right people in their organizations. “We haven’t reached a recession yet in Canada, but we are weakening at the […]

Are executives overcompensated or is it mostly media hype? That’s just one of the questions speakers strove to answer at Executive Compensation 2008, a forum recently held in Toronto to discuss new developments, ideas and solutions in executive compensation, sponsored by Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt LLP. Sandra Cohen, a partner practicing executive compensation law at […]

The median value of accumulated pension benefits for chief executives running companies in the S&P 500 rose to US$6.1 million in 2007, according to a study by executive compensation research firm Equilar. The increase was a 29.5% jump from 2006’s median value of $4.7 million. The prevalence of chief executives with accumulated pension benefits was […]

A new study finds that institutional investors and corporate directors are at odds on the future of the American executive pay model, but agree that the current system has hurt corporate America’s image. Conducted by Watson Wyatt Worldwide, the study finds that 63% of directors feel the system is improving, compared to only 36% of […]

  • By: Jody White
  • February 29, 2008 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Given a choice between stardom and civil service, which career would you choose? If you’re like most Canadians you’d favour the siren song of a steady job and a good pension over the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, according to a survey. The RBC sanctioned poll found that 34% of respondents prefer a […]

  • By: Jody White
  • February 26, 2008 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00