Keyword: coronavirus pandemic

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As the coronavirus pandemic enters its fourth year, it’s perhaps unsurprising that the health crisis has taken its toll on employee mental health. Scotiabank saw a notable rise in claims for mental-health drugs in 2022, says Ayman Alvi, the bank’s vice-president of global pension and benefits, noting the increased use of these medications aligns with […]

Despite many institutional investors pressing pause on their real estate activities in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, those that keep calm and carry on with a focus on diversification and innovation are poised to emerge as winners. “Real estate values, like other investment vehicles, can vary at different times based on shifting demand […]

During the coronavirus pandemic, most people were forced to work remotely and create makeshift offices in spaces that weren’t designed for that purpose. The result is a serious impact on musculoskeletal issues. Dr. Ayla Azad, interim chief executive officer of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, says remote and hybrid work are having a major effect on […]


The vast majority (91 per cent) of Canadian human resources leaders say they use hybrid work to recruit new talent, with 81 per cent saying it’s a “very to extremely effective” recruiting tool, according to a new survey by IWG. The survey, which polled more than 250 Canadian HR leaders, found prior to 2020, only […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 16, 2023 March 16, 2023
  • 09:00

British Columbia is rescinding its policy requiring provincial public servants to be vaccinated against coronavirus, effective April 3. Employees will still be required to be vaccinated if they work in settings under provincial health officer orders or other vaccination requirements, as well as in high-risk settings like health-care facilities. The changes also mean employees on […]


As ‘quiet hiring’ becomes more prominent amid a challenging labour market, communication and incentivization are key considerations for employers, says Janet Candido, founder and principal of human resources consultancy Candido Consulting Group. “It can be a great growth opportunity for an employee, whether it’s presented as a stretch assignment or just an upscaling opportunity. You […]

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It’s important for employers to maintain workplace benefits during a challenging economic environment in order to provide stability for employees, says Avinash Maniram, group and health-care consultant at PBI Actuarial Consultants Ltd. “During challenging economic times, employees and their families are already facing a lot of uncertainty with [the] rising costs of bills and everything […]

Women have powered a recent shift toward higher-paying and higher-skilled jobs, but a pay gap will persist until they cease being outnumbered by men in senior management positions, according to a new report by the Royal Bank of Canada. Canada’s labour market saw nearly 200,000 women stream into jobs involving less in-person contact and often […]

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, employers will likely start to see more chronic diseases in their employee population and should consider proactive strategies for supporting workers’ overall health, said Peter Nord, chief medical officer at Medcan, during Benefits Canada’s 2023 Chronic Disease at Work conference in early February. “Employees are looking around for […]

While the World Health Organization defines stress as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain, simply put, it’s the body’s response to anything that requires attention or action, according to Sherry Hnatyshyn-Webster, Carepath Inc.’s managing director, speaking during a session at Benefits Canada‘s 2023 Chronic Disease at Work conference in early […]