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Widow takes feds to appeals tribunal over CPP benefits denial

Daniel Derksen was, by all accounts, the model of perfect health. Then one day, he complained about stomach pains and went to see a doctor. Four months later, he died, the result of an aggressive cancerous tumour that didn’t respond to chemotherapy, radiation or multiple surgeries. He was just 38. His wife of 11 years, […]

DC Plan Summit: CPP expansion and the coming shift for CAPs

Moderators: Jeremy Evanson, partner, administrative solutions practice; and Michelle Loder, partner, defined contribution solutions, at Morneau Shepell Ltd. Once the new Canada Pension Plan benefits take hold, the income replacement ratio will increase to 33 per cent from 25 per cent, said Loder. “Given this, and in light of the increased premiums that will also […]

Enhanced CPP puts more risk on younger Canadians: report

Younger Canadians are at risk of shouldering any future deficit in the expanded Canada Pension Plan if it experiences shortfalls in investment returns, according to a new report by the C.D. Howe Institute. The institute’s report references calculations by Canada’s chief actuary, published in October 2016, that predicted the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board must earn an […]

  • By: Jann Lee
  • April 5, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:30
CPP changes an opportunity to look at pension plan redesign

Now is the time for employers to start looking at the Canada Pension Plan enhancements and their potential affects on workplace pension plans, said lawyer Stephanie Kalinowski during an event in Toronto on Wednesday. “Especially for [defined contribution] plans, in particular, it’s really an opportunity to step back and look at your overall plan design.” […]

Have your say: Should CPP enhancements include dropout clause for new parents?

As the government moves forward on enhancements to the Canada Pension Plan, critics are raising concerns about the absence of a dropout clause for parents who temporarily stop working in order to care of their children. The current CPP allows parents to exclude time away from work during child-rearing years when calculating their contributions. It also […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 7, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:20
CPP enhancements receive final sign-off

Canada’s governor general has signed an order in council to bring the Canada Pension Plan enhancements in Bill C-26 into force, marking the final step in implementing the expanded plan, according to a release from the Ministry of Finance. It noted Canada’s provincial governments have now met all necessary legislative requirements to implement the agreed-upon enhancements. […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 2, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 10:30
China and Canada Face Similar Pension Challenges: Machin

Head of CPPIB reflects on demographic similarities between the two countries

CPPIB head says China and Canada face similar pension challenges

China sees Canada as a valuable source of expertise as both countries grapple with the needs of an aging population that’s increasingly retired, according to the head of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. “China faces very similar demographic issues and pension challenges that Canada has faced and continues to face. When you put the […]

Feds Reject Retirement Eligibility Age Recommendation

Government flat out declines Liberals' economic advisory council suggested age raise.

Economic council suggests backtrack on retirement age

The federal government’s advisory council on economic growth has released its second wave of recommendations that include extending the age of eligibility for the Canada Pension Plan, establishing a reasonable process for requesting flexible working arrangements and creating a universal subsidized childcare program to get more women into the workforce. The advisory council believes allowing CPP and […]