Identifying language more commonly used by a certain gender could have bearing on data analysis of socially responsible investment choices. A new metric, formulated by alternative data firm Indexia, measures the relative male- or female-dominated nature of language used by a company. The metric was built through a process of analyzing millions of direct quotations from both […]
Data is everywhere in the fourth industrial revolution, with no industry left untouched by the momentum it’s creating, according to Nikolas Badminton, futurist and chief executive officer of Exponential Minds. For benefits plans and disability management programs, data analytics can offer insight into how decisions are made, but the landscape is evolving as it becomes […]
Just 24 per cent of plan sponsors said they regularly receive claims analyses to help identify disease states in their workplaces, according to the 2019 Sanofi Canada health-care survey. This number rose to 31 per cent for employers with 500 or more employees and dropped to 13 per cent among small employers. It also found […]
On June 5, Benefits Canada‘s 2019 Chronic Disease at Work conference featured educational presentations around trends and treatments in an effort to help plan sponsors and advisors make the best decisions for their plans and members. Here’s what you missed! Behavioural change a key component to managing chronic disease More than 50 per cent of […]
Given the volume and depth of data available in benefits plans, as well as the complexity of problems to be solved, machine learning and broader artificial intelligence are unquestionably the future of plan and member health management. That said, there are some important challenges for plan sponsors to consider as they look at these new […]
Though data has been a buzzword in the investment world for years, new and unique types of data have the potential to add value to both quantitative and fundamental investment models, according to a new report by Greenwich Associates. Looking at less traditional, or alternative, forms of data is becoming more interesting to active asset managers struggling to beat […]
PCL Construction Ltd.’s vice-president of human resources and professional development discusses the many dimensions of wellness, virtual health care and hiking in the Rockies. Q. What are the top challenges you face in your role? A. The top challenge right now is getting employees aware and involved with their [benefits] plan. We’re on a flex […]
Benefits fraud is a top concern among plan sponsors and insurance carriers, as it makes the cost of providing benefits plans more expensive, leading to higher insurance premiums. At Benefits Canada’s 2019 Benefits and Pension Summit in Toronto on April 17, Shelley Frohlich, director of fraud risk management in Sun Life Financial Inc.’s group benefits division, will […]
Looking at the role of plan design in driving member outcomes, it comes down to data and experience, according to Margaret Rux, principal and department head of retirement plan client services at the Vanguard Group., at Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. Capturing data from five million members and more […]
As the retirement savings environment evolves, the pension industry must be aware of the changes to move with them, said Zaheed Jiwani, principal at Eckler Ltd., in a session wrapping up the key learnings from Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. These changes include shifting demographics, new offerings and consolidation […]