When designing an optimal menu of defined contribution investment options, it’s important for plan sponsors to maintain a documented rationale for the investment lineup and to continually monitor the lineup’s performance amid external factors, according to a new report by the Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association. It found while plan sponsors typically take one of […]
The weather is shifting, with the wet November wind blowing away the crisp October sunshine. While this time of year is characterized by the change of temperature and spectacular outdoor colours, the one constant at Benefits Canada and the Canadian Investment Review is that it’s our busiest time of year for events. In October, we […]
With 15 different client organizations, including nine public sector pension plans, the Alberta Investment Management Corp. has opted to engage, rather than divest, from certain investments, particularly those in the energy sector. “One of the things we were very clear on, both for ourselves and in talking to clients, is that divestment wasn’t the way […]
Roughly two-fifths (38 per cent) of U.S. institutional investors say they incorporate environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions, according to a new survey by Callan. The survey — which polled roughly 90 institutional investors, including public and corporate defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans, as well as endowments and foundations — found […]
The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ new plan sponsor guidelines surrounding investment fee transparency are a good first step, but require further development to make them more effective, says one expert. “[CAP sponsors are] still trying to understand what this [guidance] means,” says Joseph Bevilacqua, associate partner in Aon’s wealth solutions practice. “Fees can be […]
The volatile global conditions of the last four years have culminated in a looming economic downturn, impacting defined contribution pension plan sponsors and members alike. On Oct. 3 at the Omni King Edward Hotel in Toronto, the 2024 DC Investment Forum highlighted the various tools and strategies that can help plan sponsors navigate turbulent economic waters […]
Young Canadian employees are facing a series of headwinds stemming from rising housing costs and decades of inaction by the federal government to support retirement savings, said Paul Kershaw, founder of not-for-profit organization Generation Squeeze and a policy professor at the University of British Columbia, during the keynote session at Benefits Canada’s 2024 Defined Contribution […]
The majority of Canadian defined contribution plan members are invested in the appropriate target-date fund vintage and those who are may be better prepared for retirement, according to research by Fidelity Investments. The research, which examined data from Canadian record keepers to understand investors’ savings behaviours in a DC context, found about 70 per cent of […]
Canadian defined contribution plan members’ knowledge of target-date funds is lacking and it may point to a larger issue: the stakes set for member investment knowledge may be too high, hindering engagement efforts, according to a survey by MFS Investment Management. The survey of around 1,000 Canadian DC plan members, including 700 active members and 300 […]
Pension plan members’ primary concerns about their golden years are whether they’ve saved enough money to live their dream retirement, whether those funds will last and whether they’ll be able to leave a legacy for their family. But numerous surveys of Canadians indicate many don’t feel financially literate enough to address those concerns, according to […]