Keyword: DC investments

26 results found

With the increased focus on integrating environmental, social and governance factors into pension plans, a new approach by BlackRock Inc. could have a significant impact on many Canadian defined contribution pension plans, group registered retirement savings plans and other types of workplace capital accumulation plans. The money manager recently announced it will be adopting an ESG approach […]

A quarter of single seniors live below the poverty line in Canada and the problem is getting worse, with employer-sponsored pension plans not accessible to 40 per cent of low-income employees. It’s especially severe among personal support workers, 80 per cent of whom don’t have a workplace pension. The situation is beyond unconscionable, says Tyler […]

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The Pension Investment Association of Canada is urging the federal government to allow for tax-free mergers of maturing target-date funds. In a letter to the Department of Finance Canada, the PIAC said current tax rules don’t permit tax-free mergers of a target-date fund series into a terminal fund — where a target-date fund provider will […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 4, 2022 May 4, 2022
  • 09:00

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario are putting forward six recommendations for strengthening the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authority’s capital accumulation plan guidelines.  In a webinar hosted in November 2021, the regulators shared the outcomes of its technical advisory committee and solicited feedback from the […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 9, 2022 February 8, 2022
  • 09:00

While it’s easy to get into the weeds of inflation in the current economic environment, the fundamental question for DC plan sponsors and their members is its impact on a traditional 60/40 multi-asset class investment portfolio. “In normal times, that diversification benefit that we know and love in a multi-asset class portfolio, where stocks do […]


In the world of defined contribution pensions, a plan’s investment menu is important because members’ choices are constrained by the funds that are available. And, while some may think it’s sufficient to use a third-party advisor for a DC plan, new research out of the University of Missouri suggested otherwise. The new paper, which will […]