Keyword: DC Plan Summit

94 results found
Investing through the DC plan member lens

While user experience is a major focus in the technology world, it’s time to start looking at retirement from the end-user experience as well, said Mike Tuira, vice-president of defined contribution at Invesco Canada Ltd., during Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. The four elements leading to retirement success are […]

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • April 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:44
DC plan member actions affected by volatility

In the face of a challenging capital market and its subsequent volatility, defined contribution plan sponsors must consider the affect on plan member behaviour, said Colin Sinclare, managing director of institutional sales for Western Canada at MFS Investment Management. “Volatility affects the compounding of returns in DC plan members savings plans. As well, it has behavioural […]

Engaging millennials in retirement requires different solutions

With different generations in the workplace requiring personalized approaches, the pension industry is reimagining traditional savings plans, said Brady Aarssen, assistant vice-president of business development strategy at Great-West Life Assurance Co., speaking at Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. Millennials, for instance, are the largest segment of the workforce, they’re […]

Strategic DC plan design driving right result

While the pension industry has traditionally spent a lot of time focusing on active management and its impact, the right result is driven by strategic design, said Brett Sumsion, portfolio manager at Fidelity Investments, during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. “A strategic design [is] about diversification, […]

Using plan design to drive better outcomes for DC plan members

Looking at the role of plan design in driving member outcomes, it comes down to data and experience, according to Margaret Rux, principal and department head of retirement plan client services at the Vanguard Group., at Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. Capturing data from five million members and more […]

Holistic retirement thinking: Integrating public, private pensions

Defined contribution plan sponsors should consider Canada’s public pension system when designing their plans, according to a panel comparing the Canadian system to the ones in Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden at Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. Canada’s three-pillar system is comprised of old-age security and the guaranteed income […]

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • April 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:39
Eliminating ‘tyranny of choice’ in DC plan enrolment

Simplifying DC plan enrolment should begin by eliminating the “tyranny of choice,” making it easier for plan members to just get started, according to Tom Reid, senior vice-president of group retirement services at Sun Life Financial. “We’re not saying choice is bad, but at certain moments choice is really not the most welcome thing and […]

Wrap-up: Revisiting traditional DC plan approaches

As the retirement savings environment evolves, the pension industry must be aware of the changes to move with them, said Zaheed Jiwani, principal at Eckler Ltd., in a session wrapping up the key learnings from Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. These changes include shifting demographics, new offerings and consolidation […]

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • April 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:37

If there’s one thing Canada’s pension industry can agree on, it’s the work that needs to be done around defined contribution pension plans. In February, on the second morning of Benefits Canada’s DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta., a roomful of plan sponsors, record-keepers, investment managers and consultants compiled a wish list for DC plans. […]

Editorial: An interesting tax mechanism to boost DC outcomes

At Benefits Canada’s Defined Contribution Plan Summit in Montreal in February, member engagement and communication were a clear focus of many of the presentations. Case studies presented at the conference provided a number of solutions. Larry Schmidt, director of human resources at U.S.-based Searles Valley Minerals Inc., noted his company used automatic enrolment and escalation […]