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Regulations on emerging decentralized finance technology have proven difficult to enforce, in part because, in the world of self-fulfilling digital contracts, it isn’t always clear which individuals should be held to account. During a session at the Canadian Investment Review‘s 2022 Global Investment Conference in April, Ryan Clements, assistant professor and chair in business law […]


Decentralized finance technology facilitated more illicit cryptocurrency transactions in the first quarter of 2022 than in any other period, according to a report from Chainalysis Inc. “DeFi protocols have accounted for an ever-growing share of all funds stolen from cryptocurrency platforms since the beginning of 2020 and lost the vast majority of stolen funds in […]

Recent technology developments are enabling institutional investors to use decentralized finance tools, according to a new report by the board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions. “Until very recently, institutional investors largely appear to have limited their participation in DeFi protocols, which they have indicated are due to issues around DeFi protocols’ compliance with applicable jurisdictional […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 5, 2022 April 5, 2022
  • 12:00

While blockchain-based decentralized finance technology has a lot to offer institutional investors, taking full advantage of these tools will require significant technological and regulatory hurdles to be overcome, says Andreas Park, professor of finance at the Rotman School of Management. “There’s lots of cool things you can do in the DeFi space. There’re genuinely new […]


While technological change is accelerating at a rapid rate, the financial system isn’t keeping pace, says Campbell Harvey, professor of finance at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Traditional systems make it difficult for those trying to raise capital or invest. Yet new technology is coming to market that can resolve many barriers and dramatically […]


Fintech includes four areas, all of which are changing the financial industry in different ways. These include peer-to-peer financing, robo-advising or systematic asset management, decentralized finance and machine learning and artificial intelligence, said Campbell Harvey, professor of finance at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, during a panel at the Northern Finance Association’s conference in […]