An article on how financial wellness programs can help employees in their relationships was the most-read story on this past week. Here are the top five human resources, benefits, pension and investment stories of the last week: 1. Wellness programs key to keeping financial stress out of relationships: expert 2. 64% of Canadian employees […]
Capital accumulation plan members who retired in 2024 saw the highest CAP outcomes since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report by Eckler Ltd. The consultancy’s latest CAP income tracker found a typical male member retiring at the end of December 2024 achieved a gross income replacement ratio of 66.5 per […]
In 2025, the Association of Canadian Pension Management is focusing on flexible pension plan models amid a backdrop of multiple elections taking place across Canada. Korinne Collins, chief executive officer at the ACPM, says flexibility is needed around decumulation strategies for defined contribution plans and the potential for different income tax treatments for workers looking […]
An article on incoming changes to Alberta-based employers’ workplace violence and harassment policies was the most-read story on this past week. Here are the top five human resources, benefits, pension and investment stories of the last week: 1. What Alberta-based employers need to know about incoming workplace violence, harassment policy changes 2. Gen Z, […]
A fifth (20 per cent) of individuals from generation Z and generation Alpha are open to receiving pension payouts in cryptocurrency, according to a new survey by cryptocurrency exchange Bitget. While it found three-quarters (78 per cent) expressed greater trust in alternative retirement savings options compared to traditional pension systems, a similar percentage (73 per […]
In response to proposed legislation that would introduce the option of variable life benefits in Ontario, the Association of Canadian Pension Management is recommending against regulating plan sponsors to disclose an expected rate of return on contributions made to a variable life benefits fund. In an open letter to the provincial Ministry of Finance, the […]
Promoting employee financial awareness and retirement readiness amid the rising cost of living is a priority for the Canadian Public Pension Leadership Council in 2025, says Cheldon Angus, co-chair of the CPPLC and chief executive officer of the Winnipeg Civic Employees’ Benefits Program. “More and more these days, employers are prioritizing their financial literacy education for […]
Variable payment life annuities and the impact of gender identity on actuarial standards are among the issues the Canadian Institute of Actuaries is monitoring in 2025, says Simon Nelson, a principal at Eckler Ltd. and chair of the CIA’s pension practice committee. A CIA task force on VPLAs will present its findings early this year, […]
The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ new plan sponsor guidelines surrounding investment fee transparency are a good first step, but require further development to make them more effective, says one expert. “[CAP sponsors are] still trying to understand what this [guidance] means,” says Joseph Bevilacqua, associate partner in Aon’s wealth solutions practice. “Fees can be […]
The volatile global conditions of the last four years have culminated in a looming economic downturn, impacting defined contribution pension plan sponsors and members alike. On Oct. 3 at the Omni King Edward Hotel in Toronto, the 2024 DC Investment Forum highlighted the various tools and strategies that can help plan sponsors navigate turbulent economic waters […]