With the federal government easing the withdrawal requirements for registered retirement income funds in a bid to alleviate the harm to retirees’ portfolios caused by the coronavirus-spurred market crash, the industry is suggesting similar measures for other retirement arrangements. “Canadians who are about to turn money into income will be faced with the decision of […]
Sometimes, the best way to explore the unknown is by following in the footsteps of someone who’s been there first. When it comes to in-plan decumulation options from a defined contribution pension, whether the plan was grandfathered into existing legislation or is registered in a province that allows the option, many employers — and their […]
The first major reform to the U.S. retirement system in a decade, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act, contains provisions that could be useful guides for Canadian legislators and regulators. Signed into law by President Donald Trump in December, the act, known as SECURE, is primarily aimed at addressing Americans’ difficulty in […]
The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association is asking the federal government to develop a strategy for access to high-cost drugs and to make flexible annuity options available for a variety of retirement savings vehicles. In its 2020 budget submission to Finance Minister Bill Morneau, the association called for the federal government to work with provincial and territorial governments and […]
The holiday season is a time to reflect on the events of 2019 and how they may affect trends in the year to come. I predict a couple of trends on the pension landscape in 2020: much needed progress on the expansion of decumulation options and the outsourcing of the chief investment officer function. Expansion of […]
This month’s Head to head considers the merits of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans as the country’s pension landscape becomes an increasingly diverse patchwork. Jerry Dias, president of Unifor National: Let’s cut to the chase. Absent a voice for workers through a union and collective bargaining, there really wouldn’t be much debate around defined […]
Pension plan stakeholders will see a continued evolution of both short- and long-term reform, with some significant developments expected in 2020. “Hopefully, Ontario will finalize the rules for its target benefit regime — perhaps we’ll see the introduction of single employer target-benefit rules — and there should be some action on variable benefits because the […]
As employer-sponsored pension plans and personal retirement savings continue to shrink, the third pillar of Canada’s retirement income troika, the publicly funded Canada Pension Plan, is seeing improvements. Some of the enhancements, which are being gradually phased in from Jan. 1, 2019, borrow from what Australia already has in place for its superannuation system. In […]
While debt loads and plans for leaving an inheritance affect how quickly people spend their retirement savings, personality could also play a significant role, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association. The study, conducted by Sarah Asebedo and Christopher Browning at Texas Tech University, looked at the personality and psychological data […]
Many Canadians are interested in learning more about how to manage their money as they make the transition to retirement, according to a new survey by Mackenzie Investments. About half (47 per cent) of baby boomers said they want to know more about how to make the transition to retirement. This age group is slightly more […]