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Keyword: decumulation

201 results found
U.S. lessons for Canadian DC pension plans

Defined contribution plan sponsors have a tough job. “Every day that goes by, DC is getting harder and harder to solve for,” said Lorie Latham, senior defined contribution strategist at T. Rowe Price during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Defined Contribution Investment Forum in Toronto on Sept. 27. Looking to lessons learned in the […]

A professor of finance at York University has developed a new tool to help people who are saving for retirement through multiple vehicles ensure that when looking at their portfolios in total these are well-diversified. The tool, Wealthscope, was developed by Pauline Shum Nolan, who is also a member of the university pension fund’s investment […]

While defined contribution pension plans evolve and defined benefit plans decline, the McGill University pension plan is a true blend of both types — at least for some employees. When Sebastien Betermier, an associate professor of finance at the university’s Desautels Faculty of Management, joined the plan after 2009, a DC arrangement was available for […]

As a solution to employee inertia, many plan sponsors with defined contribution arrangements are looking at setting automatic features as their plan’s default option. When the Royal Bank of Canada redesigned its DC plan in 2012, it introduced auto-enrolment for all new plan members following a six-month waiting period. Before the change, employees had a […]

DC plan sponsors urged to stay on top of new features as demographics shift

Defined contribution plan sponsors have to stay aware of plan design developments to improve their benefits offerings for their specific workforces, according to a new report by Callan. As workplace demographics shift, it’s important for plan sponsors to make sure their DC plan features are keeping up with those changes to ensure the benefits they’re providing are most effective […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 3, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 10:15
How will advanced life deferred annuities work in practice?

With the private sector’s move from defined benefit to defined contribution pension plans and rising life expectancies, the issue of retirement decumulation is increasing in importance. Decumulation deals with converting retirement savings into income that must be managed over the rest of the retiree’s lifetime. It can be a challenge for Canadians who don’t have a significant […]

On the same day Keith Dixon began working at the University of Victoria, the campus gained another new addition: its combination pension plan. Introduced in July 1968, the plan is fairly unique in the world of Canadian pensions. It operates on a defined contribution basis, with the university and plan members each contributing. But when […]

A look at DC pension trends in the U.S.

Whether operating in Canada or the United States, defined contribution plan sponsors are facing the same challenges around demographics, plan design and their employees’ retirement readiness. On the demographics front, more baby boomers are retiring and taking their pension balances with them. As DC plans lose members, plan sponsors may see a rise in costs […]

2019 CAP Member Survey: Helping each generation on their retirement journey

Though more than half of Canadian capital accumulation plan members feel financially prepared for retirement, there’s a distinct difference across generations. Given their proximity to retirement, it’s no surprise baby boomers (69 per cent) are the age cohort most likely to agree they feel prepared, compared to 59 per cent of generation X and 41 […]


The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities has outlined its priorities for April 2019 to March 2022 in its new strategic plan, which included initiatives like focusing on defined contribution plan decumulation and cyber security. Jason Vary, president at Actuarial Solutions Inc., notes while all the identified priorities were worthwhile, some are more important than […]