The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities has outlined its priorities for April 2019 to March 2022 in its new strategic plan, which included initiatives like focusing on defined contribution plan decumulation and cyber security. Jason Vary, president at Actuarial Solutions Inc., notes while all the identified priorities were worthwhile, some are more important than […]
While the process has been slow to date, it’s clear the migration to defined contribution pension plans will continue in Canada. Defined benefit assets comprised about 47 per cent of total financial wealth in 2007, compared to assets in DC plans and other group retirement savings accounts, which made up about 38 per cent, said Colin Ripsman, president […]
The fourth quarter of 2018 saw the largest decline since 2011 in a retiring member’s ability to create a secure retirement income, according to a report by Eckler Ltd. At the end of 2018, replacement income for women fell to 55 per cent and for men to 56 per cent. The fourth-quarter decline is a result of steep […]
As millennials look to their employers to integrate their career, education and leisure, this creates challenges for the pension industry, said Erica Hall, assistant vice-president of client relations and group retirement solutions at Manulife, speaking at Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. “We are very linear — they enrol, accumulate and […]
With different generations in the workplace requiring personalized approaches, the pension industry is reimagining traditional savings plans, said Brady Aarssen, assistant vice-president of business development strategy at Great-West Life Assurance Co., speaking at Benefits Canada’s 2019 DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta. in February. Millennials, for instance, are the largest segment of the workforce, they’re […]
If there’s one thing Canada’s pension industry can agree on, it’s the work that needs to be done around defined contribution pension plans. In February, on the second morning of Benefits Canada’s DC Plan Summit in Banff, Alta., a roomful of plan sponsors, record-keepers, investment managers and consultants compiled a wish list for DC plans. […]
The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities has published an updated version of its guideline No. 8 for defined contribution plans, focusing on three main areas: the payout phase, plan sponsor/administrator responsibilities and advice. Introduced in March 2014, Guideline No. 8 aims to spell out the rights and responsibilities of DC plan administrators, providers and members. It […]
The Empire Life Insurance Co. has developed an interactive tool to help Canadians move towards achieving their retirement and savings goals. The tool, which plan sponsors can offer to their members, aims to help people determine whether they’re on track to meet their desired income in retirement or savings goals by asking a series of questions. It […]
The introduction of more flexible annuity options for capital accumulation plans and reform to prescription drug coverage are among the recommendations by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association for the 2019 federal budget. In a letter to the Ministry of Finance, the CLHIA highlighted the increasing need for Canadian retirees to convert some or all of […]
Readers were focused on the Canada Pension Plan and old-age security in 2018, with the top three most read stories tackling those topics. Benefits Canada rounds up the industry’s favourite pension and retirement stories of the year: 1. New CPP, OAS benefit amounts take effect for 2018 2. Increase to OAS benefits takes effect July 1 3. Why aren’t Canada’s public […]