
Keyword: deficits

4 results found

While rising government deficits and debt are concerning for many bond owners, they should actually be more concerned that deficits aren’t big enough, said David Bezic, an independent economic consultant, during the Canadian Investment Review and Benefits Canada’s 2020 Plan Sponsor Week in mid-August. Many of the concerns around debt and deficits are founded on […]

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • September 4, 2020 December 5, 2020
  • 07:40

The novel coronavirus has brought with it an unprecedented shuttering of the global economy and an equally unprecedented policy response. The speed and scale at which central bankers and politicians have moved has already surpassed anything seen during the credit crisis. On the monetary policy front, we have seen rates cut to zero, the announcement […]

U.S. Corporate Pension Hole Hits $388B

American plans face mounting funding gap.

Stiglitz: Don’t Fear Deficits

Prominent economist not worried about debt.