Three-quarters (76 per cent) of U.K. employers offer alternative cash benefits to high earners in lieu of pension contributions, according to a new survey by WTW. From April 6, 2024, the U.K. government abolished the lifetime allowance from pension tax legislation, limiting the total amount of tax-free cash an individual can receive to a maximum […]
Pension plans play an important economic role by distributing billions of dollars annually to retirees, who then spend this money in the economy while enjoying a certain level of financial comfort. Businesses providing goods and services, in turn, purchase products and services from various suppliers, who do the same with their own suppliers, and so […]
Social media is breathing new life into employers’ pension communications, helping to make the benefit resonate with different audiences and offering organizations a far wider footprint than traditional channels. In some ways, the coronavirus pandemic was one of the key drivers of increasing the use of social media in workplace communications, says Jeff Pekar, director […]
The aggregate funded percentage of all U.S. multi-employer defined benefit pension plans reached 97 per cent as at Dec. 31, 2024, an increase from 89 per cent a year prior, according to a new report from consulting firm Milliman Inc. The report, which analyzes the funded status of all U.S. multi-employer DB plans through their […]
While nearly three-quarters (72 per cent) of U.K. employees say it’s important their employer offers a pension plan that’s invested according to environmental, social and governance factors, half (47 per cent) say they don’t know whether their pension is invested in this way, according to a new survey by Scottish Widows. The survey, which polled […]
Global pensions assets rose by 4.9 per cent as of December 2024, reaching a record US$58.5 trillion, led by growth in the largest defined contribution pension markets, according to a report by WTW’s Thinking Ahead Institute. Indeed, it found among the seven largest pension markets globally — Canada, the U.S., the U.K., the Netherlands, Switzerland, […]
Large Canadian pension funds can create and capture value in financial markets by achieving scale in strategic markets, vertically integrating parts of the value chain and reducing fee drag, coordinating key stakeholder groups and creating internal synergies within their organization, according to a new report published in the Journal of Alternative Investments. It found venture […]
More than half (58 per cent) of Canadian workers aged 40 to 60 say financial stress is their No. 1 worry, according to a new survey by the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan. The survey, which polled 2,800 full-time employees, found six in 10 (60 per cent) respondents said they thought about their current financial […]
In 2025, the Association of Canadian Pension Management is focusing on flexible pension plan models amid a backdrop of multiple elections taking place across Canada. Korinne Collins, chief executive officer at the ACPM, says flexibility is needed around decumulation strategies for defined contribution plans and the potential for different income tax treatments for workers looking […]
A fifth (20 per cent) of individuals from generation Z and generation Alpha are open to receiving pension payouts in cryptocurrency, according to a new survey by cryptocurrency exchange Bitget. While it found three-quarters (78 per cent) expressed greater trust in alternative retirement savings options compared to traditional pension systems, a similar percentage (73 per […]