Keyword: Defined benefit pensions

774 results found
Alberta’s public-sector pension plans reassuring members amid worry over ministerial order

The Alberta New Democratic Party’s labour and immigration critic is attempting to reverse the provincial government’s plan to transfer teachers’ pensions to the Alberta Investment Management Corp. Christina Gray, an NDP member of the legislative assembly for Edmonton-Mill Woods, introduced Bill 203, called the Pension Protection Act, on Monday. The legislation, if passed, would undo […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 11, 2020 February 15, 2022
  • 09:00
How defensive strategies played out for CN Rail pension, ATRF as markets crashed

When the coronavirus pushed equity markets off a cliff, Canadian defined benefit pension plans had to mobilize to address a number of concerns. The Canadian National Railway Co. pension recently shifted towards a more defensive investment strategy, said Marlene Puffer, president and chief executive officer for the CN investment division of the company, at a webinar […]

Navigating pension fiduciary duties during coronavirus pandemic

Employers that act as pension plan administrators have statutory fiduciary duties that are defined by the plan documents and by governing pension legislation. While those duties continue to apply during the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting market volatility, they require even more careful navigation, as cash flow and internal corporate resources may be strained. Pension regulators across […]

CAAT, Lawyers Financial partner to give Canadian legal community access to DBplus

Canadian lawyers and law firm staff now have access to the College of Applied Arts and Technology’s DBplus pension plan through an affinity arrangement between the CAAT and the Canadian Bar Insurance Association. The affinity program will make it easier for Canadian lawyers, partners, office support staff and non-legal professionals to join the DBplus. Lawyers Financial, […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 8, 2020 November 11, 2020
  • 15:15
Feds and eight provinces sign new MJPP agreement

The federal government and several provinces are signing a new agreement regarding administration and regulation of multi-jurisdictional pension plans. The provincial governments of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are all on board with the agreement, which replaces the 2016 version, only signed by some provinces; a 1968 reciprocal agreement signed between all […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 4, 2020 March 29, 2023
  • 10:15
Projected Ontario DB pension solvency ratios take hit in Q1: report

The first quarter of 2020 was rough for Ontario defined benefit pension plans as they experienced the most significant quarterly decline in projected solvency ratios since December 2009, according to a new report by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario. In particular, the median projected solvency declined to 85 per cent as of March […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 2, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 09:45

The Association of Canadian Pension Management’s Alberta regional council is highlighting the need for “made-in-Alberta” measures focused on pension plan sponsors, administrators and members due to the financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic. In a submission to the provincial government, the council listed recommendations around pension contributions and funding, commuted values, plan administration, defined contribution […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 29, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 08:30
Pension risk-transfer market sees $5.2BN in transactions in 2019: report

The pension risk-transfer market had another record-breaking year for transactions in 2019, according to Eckler’s latest report. Transactions for the year came to $5.2 billion, with buy-in annuities taking the lead as the dominant risk-transfer strategy with sales of almost $2.6 billion. The average transaction size continued to rise, increasing by 40 per cent, from […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 28, 2020 July 20, 2021
  • 15:00
Public sector union calling on PSP to end investment in long-term care operator

The union representing more than 200,000 Canadian public sector employees says the Public Sector Pension Investment Board’s investment in a for-profit, long-term care provider is inconsistent with its fiduciary and legal obligations to plan members. The Public Service Alliance of Canada is calling on the PSP to end its investment in Revera Inc., its wholly […]

Saskatchewan NDP calling for binding mediation to end Unifor, Co-op pension dispute

The leader of the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party is calling on the provincial government to implement binding arbitration to end the months-long lockout and pension dispute between Federated Co-operatives Ltd. and its refinery workers. “This lockout has gone on far too long. The premier needs to show leadership and bring it to an end,” said Ryan Meili, […]