A consultation paper by the U.K. government is considering how defined contribution plans could incorporate more illiquid investments. Specifically, the consultation’s proposals include requiring larger DC plans to set out their policy and current practice for illiquid investments and report on it annually. It also proposed requiring smaller DC plans to conduct a triennial assessment […]
Defined contribution plan assets now account for more than 50 per cent of total assets across the world’s seven largest pension markets, surpassing defined benefit plan assets for the first time, according to a report by Willis Towers Watson’s Thinking Ahead Institute. For the past decade, total DC plan assets have continued to grow at a faster pace, […]
How are different countries tackling decumulation?
Effective competition in workplace pensions could be the result
When the burden of choice is too much for the average Canadian.
Why DC plan sponsors should limit plan member investment options.
Age to retirement isn't a good measure of risk tolerance.
Potential conflicts of interest a huge concern in Part 1 of this series on PRPPs.
Then make sure your members understand the fees.