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The TD Bank Group has taken significant steps toward promoting diversity, equity and inclusion, says the bank’s first racial equity audit, noting it could do more on aspects like consistency and measurement. TD was the first of Canada’s big six banks — and among the first companies in Canada — to agree to conduct such an audit […]

Older workers key to rebuilding G20 economies: report

Between 2000 and 2022, the average retirement age among Canadians climbed from 61.6 to 64.6, the highest it’s been since 1982, according to data from Statistics Canada. The agency’s June 2023 labour force survey found 22 per cent of Canadians aged 55 to 59 were either partially or completely retired. The same was true of […]

Inclusivity has long been a priority at Capital One Canada and its employee leave programs are no exception. As a result of this focus, the financial company is seeing more men taking parental leave — by September 2023, men accounted for 64 per cent of employees who used the benefit. The organization offers 26 weeks […]

  • By: Sadie Janes
  • December 15, 2023 December 14, 2023
  • 08:58

With more than 40,000 employees across the country, Amazon Canada is a microcosm of the wider national workforce. Comprising five generations, the online retailer’s workers represent a wide spectrum of savings goals and related challenges. And to support these goals, it has developed a diverse array of options to meet staff at every stage of […]

  • By: Blake Wolfe
  • December 15, 2023 December 14, 2023
  • 08:57

RendA+, an innovative bond instrument in Brazil, is serving as a relatively safe asset for defined contribution pension plans and lowering retirement risk, especially for those without a workplace pension plan. At a 2019 retirement security conference held in Brazil, Arun Muralidhar, chairman and chief investment officer at AlphaEngine Global Investment Solutions, proposed the introduction […]

  • By: Sadie Janes
  • December 15, 2023 December 14, 2023
  • 08:55

The organization’s vice-president of talent acquisition and total rewards discusses promoting careers to equity-deserving communities, a new menopause policy and the stability of joining a defined benefit pension plan. Q: What top challenges do you face in your role? A: One of the organization’s commitments to creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive culture is to […]

With hybrid and remote working arrangements becoming increasingly common, employers can take an inclusive approach to help employees with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder feel more engaged and productive, says Dr. Marie-Hélène Geoffroy, a family medicine physician at the Cleveland Clinic Canada. “ADHD needs structure and remote working requires individuals to manage their own schedule and tasks, […]


As Ontario prepares to introduce pay transparency legislation, it’s important for employers to consider how much information they want to share in job postings, says Darcy Clark, a principal at Normandin Beaudry. “They could do just enough to meet the legislative requirements or . . . full disclosure where everybody knows everything. There’s also a […]

Canadian women are bearing the brunt of a gender health gap that has led to poor understanding and heightened stigma around their unique health needs and worse physical and mental-health outcomes over time. However, there are ways for employers to help, said Sam Mikail, director of mental-health solutions for group claims at Sun Life Financial Inc., […]

Many Canadians are dealing with mental-health challenges that require support beyond what’s available through an employee assistance program — that’s where intensive mental-health treatments could help, said Vahed Lokhand, business development operations and strategy at EHN Canada, during a fireside chat at Benefits Canada’s 2023 Mental Health Summit. “There is no one-size-fits-all approach that can work for […]