Keyword: disability management

373 results found

About a year before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Algonquin College updated its disability management program. The timing set the Ottawa-based college up for success when the crisis hit, says Jessica Myers, its acting manager of wellness and abilities, allowing her team to focus on proactive supports, knowing case management was well in hand. […]

Telus Communications Inc.’s proactive approach to fostering employee mental health led to its win in the Mental-health program category for companies with more than 1,000 employees at Benefits Canada‘s 2023 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 20. The organization’s winning strategy includes a commitment statement, signed by its leadership team, affirming that a psychologically safe and healthy […]

CAA Club Group’s commitment to supporting employee health and wellness led to a win in the Health/wellness program category for employers with more than 1,000 employees at Benefits Canada’s 2023 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 20. “We were up against some strong competitors and we’re excited that the work we do in the wellness space […]

Lululemon Athletica Inc.’s holistic approach to absence management led to a win at Benefits Canada’s 2023 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 20. The apparel company won in the Absence management program category for its comprehensive leave policies. In 2022, Lululemon launched a formal employee workplace accommodations program for its North American population. The program establishes clear policy and guidelines, […]

In 2022, some of the top chronic conditions affecting group benefits plans were diabetes, obesity, depression and arthritis. Diabetes was the No. 1 ranked condition for drug claims in 2022, knocking rheumatoid arthritis down to the No. 2 spot, according to Telus Health’s annual drug plan trends report. And the 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey […]


Canada’s life and health insurers paid out a record $114 billion in health and retirement benefits last year, up $11 billion since before the coronavirus pandemic and up 60 per cent from a decade ago, according to the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association’s annual fact book. “During a year when many households faced higher […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 29, 2023 September 28, 2023
  • 09:00

The Nova Scotia Labour Board has ordered St. Mary’s University to resume making pension contributions for employees on long-term disability leave, reasoning that the pension committee had no authority to make changes to contribution levels mandated by the plan. “The board found that amendments to the pension plan proposed by the pension committee — the […]

Nearly three-quarters (72 per cent) of Canadian benefits plan members say they appreciate their health benefits more today than they did before the coronavirus pandemic, according to the 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey. It found while this result is generally consistent across all cross tabulations, the biggest variation occurred regionally, with a high of 85 […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 15, 2023 September 14, 2023
  • 09:00

Last year, a benefits plan member in British Columbia was shocked when his insurance provider rejected an orthotics claim because the prescriber was a nurse practitioner rather than a “physician.” In the story, reported by the Victoria, B.C.-based Times Colonist, the chief executive officer of Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of B.C. said it wasn’t the […]


An article on how global pension funds compare in terms of transparency was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Five Canadian pension funds receive top scores for transparency: benchmark 2. How plan sponsors, insurers are considering coverage of weight-loss drugs amid rising use […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 21, 2023 July 21, 2023
  • 09:00