Keyword: disability management

376 results found
Employers should get better at dealing with mental distress claims

As employees begin to turn more and more to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) for mental distress claims, employers need to know how to deal with the Board and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT) review and appeal processes. Speaking at Heenan Blaikie’s 2011 Labour & Employment Seminar Managing Claims and […]

Managing mental distress claims

“The reality of workplace stress is with all of us—at all times,” said Rhonda Shirreff, a labour and employment lawyer with Heenan Blaikie, speaking today at the firm’s 2011 Labour & Employment Seminar Managing Claims and Controlling Costs with the WSIB. Stress is evident as employers place more demands on employees at work—and at home, […]

How to help kick employee addiction

Short-term and long-term disability claims show that incidences of depression are increasing in the workplace. But, did you know that approximately 10% of employees will experience a substance abuse disorder and that substance disorders are more common among those with a mental condition? Employers need to be asking themselves, “Why is my employee going on […]

What’s depression costing you?

A recent Canadian study finds $33 billion per year is lost in the workplace from employees suffering from emotional disorders. Dr. Robert Wilson, presenter at The Canadian Health and Wellness Innovations Conference in Las Vegas, hosted by the International Federation of Employee Benefits Plans, got the room’s attention when he revealed this astounding number during […]

How to support employees with chronic pain

With an aging workforce and related costs (i.e., medical costs and lost productivity) estimated to be greater than $6 billion annually to the economy, it’s no wonder chronic pain has become a hot topic of discussion. The Canadian Pain Society reports that chronic pain affects 20% to 30% of Canadians. Considering the potential costs to […]

Best practices in managing episodic disabilities

Accommodating employees at work who have physical disabilities that challenge them daily may be an obvious step, but employers need to remember that employees with episodic disabilities (both physical and mental) need to be accommodated, too. And it’s not difficult to do. An episodic disability is marked by unpredictable periods and degrees of wellness, explained […]

New forms to simplify disability claims

There are now new simplified, standardized forms for group short-term disability and ongoing long-term disability claims. The two new forms will be accepted by all Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) member companies and will greatly reduce the administrative burden on physicians when assisting their patients with disability claim submissions. “Our industry wanted to […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 7, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 13:01
Easing employees back to work after mental health leave

One in five Canadians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime, according to a 2002 Health Canada report. In any year, 12% of Canadians ages 15 to 64 suffer from a mental disorder or substance dependence, as stated in a 2004 article in Healthcare Papers. Mental illness accounts for more than 15% of the burden […]

No separating health from work

When it comes to total attendance and disability management, health and work come full circle. While many employers understand the impact that work has on health, they may need to refocus on the impact employee health has on work. “Our biggest asset is human capital and most important with human capital is health,” said Jean-Marc […]

Although untracked absenteeism often strains benefits budgets, most employers don’t do much about it. But Leo LeBlanc, vice-president of HR and corporate affairs at Co-op Atlantic, discovered that getting a handle on absenteeism can bring the company significant savings. And one of the beauties of saving money on benefits is that there are more funds […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 1, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00