Keyword: disability management

376 results found

Delving deeper into disability management issues can help employers reduce costs and employees overcome barriers that may prevent their return to work. Most employers understand that disability costs are directly proportional to the number of claims and the duration of each claim. But that’s only part of the equation: employers also need to consider the […]

When managing disability in the workplace, employers should know both the legal considerations and their rights. Disability management is an increasingly complex process. When faced with an employee who is unable to perform his duties because of a disability, employers can find it difficult to know what to do and when. They must consider the […]

The importance of assessing distress when ending a plan member’s benefits

It’s important for insurers and plan sponsors to address the possibility of mental distress before curtailing any type of benefits from a plan member. In Fidler v. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, the plaintiff, Connie Fidler, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, and in 1991, began receiving long-term benefits from her insurer, […]

Fifteen to 20 years ago, the approach to managing disability claims was a little like an assembly line. Employers handed over a claim to insurers with an “it’s your problem now” attitude. Insurers either accepted or rejected the claim. And a claimant, now homebound, viewed the workplace from the sidelines. A rather cold, harsh reality. […]

It’s not surprising for Sylvain Carrier to hear that one of his plan members is in Mexico with her spine bent so severely that the back of her knees are touching the top of her head. Or that a member in Amsterdam spends most of his time dancing with fire and knives. Carrier, the director […]

At $16 billion a year, disability is a frightening reality for employers. And disability management providers want to meet their needs. Most Canadians grumble about the slow medical wait times in Canada. They complain it takes months to get a referral, see a specialist or receive an appointment for a diagnostic test. But Peter Berton, […]