disability Page 5

Keyword: disability

159 results found
Q&A will Rolls Royce Canada’s Hosam Azara

Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.’s reward and pension manager talks benefits plan costs, Excel spreadsheets and playing soccer with his daughter. Q. What top challenges do you face in your role? A. Before the coronavirus crisis, a challenge I’d been dealing with was promoting awareness of the hidden value in group benefits plans, their escalating cost and who’s […]

Just half of Canadian employers said they’ve adopted a formal policy to clearly communicate their approach to disability benefits in the event of a conflict, according to a new survey by Aon. The survey, which was conducted before the coronavirus pandemic, asked Canadian employers about the disability benefits they’re offering to their employees and how […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 9, 2020 November 24, 2020
  • 09:00

Green Shield Canada is investing in Canadian pharmacogenetics company GenXys Health Care Systems. The two companies will be collaborating on new pharmacogenetic products, which are set to launch later this year, with a focus on driving more informed prescribing, fewer adverse drug reactions and better health outcomes for patients and plan members. “GSC has a […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 26, 2020 November 24, 2020
  • 15:20
Does CEWS leave workers on parental, disability leave behind?

Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge employees who were on leave in the months leading up to the coronavirus shutdown appear to have fallen through a crack in the federal government’s wage subsidy program. The Air Canada component of the Canadian Union of Public Employees has pointed out that the airline’s unilateral use of the […]

Employers taking many approaches to leave, benefits during coronavirus pandemic

Canadian employers are taking varied approaches to leave, compensation and benefits during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey by Aon. The survey, conducted between April 1 and 3, found two in five employers said they’ve laid workers off temporarily. About a quarter (23 per cent) said they’ve encouraged workers to take annual leave, […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 20, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 15:30
Webinar: Coronavirus and workplace mental health

While physical well-being is vital during the coronavirus pandemic, the situation is raising multiple mental-health issues, including rising stress levels exacerbated by job uncertainty and social isolation. Looking at mental-health policies and tools, innovative practices and work-from-home protocols, Benefits Canada hosted a panel of experts in a webinar on March 31 to answer plan sponsor […]

The coronavirus pandemic is expected to impact employers’ short-term disability claims’ experience as workers fall ill and require time off work to recover from the virus, but plan sponsors may also have to prepare for an increase in long-term disability claims after the crisis eventually ends. The spike in claims could follow the same pattern as it did […]

Supreme Court to rule on how unionized workforces deal with human rights issues

The Supreme Court of Canada will hear an appeal on a Manitoba court case that could have implications for employers dealing with a human rights issue in a unionized workforce. The resulting decision could settle whether labour arbitrators or human rights tribunals have jurisdiction over human rights issues in unionized workforces in certain provinces. The case concerns a […]

How are insurers working with plan sponsors amid coronavirus pandemic?

The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association has been conducting weekly calls with its members since mid-January to discuss issues around the ongoing coronavirus crisis, including how insurers can develop messaging and policies to communicate to plan sponsors. “We’ve basically been facilitating weekly calls to say, ‘OK, we have a very fluid situation.’ It changes […]

Considering how mental-health support, accommodation is changing

Sixty per cent of working Canadians have experienced a mental-health issue, an increase from 52 per cent in 2017, according to Sun Life’s 2019 barometer survey. However, the survey also found 60 per cent of working Canadians who are suffering from mental-health issues aren’t accessing support through their workplace benefits, said Carmen Bellows, the insurer’s senior mental-health […]