As employers increasingly customize their human resources, benefits and pension communications campaigns, how are these methods connecting with employees? Long gone are the days of chunky tomes of group benefits and pension information. Once the norm, those pages and pages of minutiae have gradually been replaced by more personalized and targeted communications. “Direct communication is […]
Does your organization’s benefits plan or financial wellness program deserve recognition? Are you leading the way when it comes to supporting your employees’ mental health? Is your company implementing award-worthy diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives? Benefits Canada’s annual Workplace Benefits Awards is officially open for nominations. Submit your entries here. As in previous years, the 2022 awards will […]
Endy’s director of people and culture discusses the importance of the employee experience; diversity, equity and inclusion commitments; and exploring Toronto. Q: What top challenges do you face in your role? A: Working in a remote environment is difficult at times for our employees and the extended isolation can take a toll on their physical […]
The federal government’s 2022 budget, which set out $56 billion in new spending on Thursday, has a few offerings that could impact employers and employees. Dental-care program, pharmacare The budget confirmed the government’s commitment to rolling out a national dental-care program, which was announced in March, by specifying a $5.3-billion investment in its implementation. It also […]
As employers prepare to bring employees back to their physical workplaces in 2022, they’re planning to position mental health (91 per cent), physical health (60 per cent) and work-life balance (57 per cent) initiatives as integral components of the transition, according to a new survey by Fidelity Investments Inc. and Business Group on Health. The […]
While Canadian employers have made significant strides toward improving diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, employment barriers remain for the neurodiverse talent pool, according to a new report by Deloitte and Auticon Canada. The report, which polled more than 400 adult Canadians, found employers’ focus on social competency during the interview process was one of the […]
A story on a pilot benefits plan program that provides plan members with access to traditional Indigenous medicines and services was the most read article over the past week on Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. First Nations community providing Indigenous wellness benefits to plan members 2. Just 52% of Canadians […]
Zillennial employees’ needs are going beyond traditional benefits to include a greater interest in an employer’s stance on environmental and ethical issues (45 per cent), as well as diversity, equity and inclusion (40 per cent), according to a new survey by MetLife Inc. The survey, which defined zillennials as a micro-generation born between 1993 and […]
Sagamok Anishnawbek, a First Nations community in northeastern Ontario, is participating in a pilot benefits plan program that provides plan members with access to traditional Indigenous medicines and services. Located along the north shore between Sudbury, Ont. and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., the community’s employee base includes fire department workers, school teachers, community planners and […]
While global employers are introducing inclusive benefits and programs to support employees across all life stages, many U.K.-based companies are shifting their focus to one life stage that has typically been taboo. Cereal manufacturer Kellogg Co. is training managers on how to talk about menopause. Multi-national telecommunications firm Vodafone Group is introducing a toolkit focused […]