Keyword: drug plan management

513 results found
A pot primer for plan sponsors

When it instituted random drug testing last year, the Toronto Transit Commission was eager to ensure its employees knew what it expected of them. To get the message out, the transit authority mailed a handbook last year to the home of every employee and published it online so all workers would be fully aware of […]

Is nudging biologic patients towards biosimilars a good choice?

A recent study examining the potential savings determined that, based on the uptake of available biosimilars in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, Canada could save between eight per cent and 43 per cent. Although Health Canada approved Inflectra, the first biosimilar for Remicade, in 2014 to treat a number of conditions, the drug […]

Orphan drugs hit 42% of new pharmaceuticals in Canada in 2016

Orphan drugs represent a significant and growing share of new pharmaceutical entrants in Canada, according to a new report from the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board. At 54 per cent of new pharmaceuticals entering the market in 2015 and 42 per cent in 2016, orphan drugs have seen a significant rise from an average of 33 […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 27, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 15:53
Assessing pharmacare’s impact on private drug plans

With a national pharmacare program potentially on the horizon, many plan sponsors will be wondering about the impact on their benefits plans. At Benefits Canada‘s Calgary Benefits Summit on May 29, Joe Farago, executive director of health-care innovation at Innovative Medicines Canada, discussed some of the implications of national pharmacare. Farago began his session by […]

Rising biosimilar uptake touted amid ‘continuously evolving’ evidence for safety, efficacy

Canada could save an estimated $280 million a year in drug costs if biosimilar uptake here reached the levels seen in Norway, a speaker told attendees at a recent event in Calgary. “One problem with biosimilars is their uptake,” Andrea Staruch, a pharmacy services consultant at Green Shield Canada, said during a presentation at Benefits […]

Sanofi survey finds 85% of plan members used drug plans last year

The majority (85 per cent) of Canadian plan members used their drug plan at least once in the past year, according to the 2018 Sanofi Canada health-care survey. Among plan members who submitted drug claims, the average number per year was 9.4. That figure rose to 14.5 claims for both employees in poor health and those […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 13, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 11:02
Cubic Health launches risk management program for medical pot

Cubic Health Inc. has introduced a risk management program aimed at helping plan sponsors with the many considerations for covering medical marijuana in their benefits plans. The program uses claims data from the past two or three years to provide evidence-based education that’s tailored to a plan sponsor’s industry and workforce. It also includes a tailored risk assessment for each benefits plan that […]

Navigating the ’50 shades of grey’ surrounding marijuana legalization and the workplace

While a recent court ruling has given some relief to plan sponsors concerned about having an obligation cover medical marijuana under their benefits plans, they still face a number of questions with legalization of the recreational version of the drug coming fast. That was a key message from Loretta Bouwmeester, a partner at Mathews Dinsdale […]

Health costs to rise 11.8% in 2018, survey predicts

Insurance companies expect health costs to rise by 11.8 per cent this year, according to an annual survey by Accompass Inc. The survey determines the anticipated year-over-year cost increase or decrease — or health trend factor — by asking insurers to examine their businesses and take various factors into account, including legislation, claims utilization, inflation, fee increases […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 25, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 15:45
Panel discussion: Hot topics in drug plan management

From drug pooling to medical marijuana, plan sponsors have a number of issues to keep track of when it comes to their benefits plans. At the Face to Face Drug Plan Management forum in Vancouver this month, a panel of experts tackled some of the hot topics the industry is thinking about. Pooling: One concern […]