There are some profound drug pricing discrepancies in existence within private sector drug plans that highlight the driving forces behind the end of the existing model of how private sector drug plans are administered and funded in Canada, and a move to a more plan-sponsor centric system. Given that the private sector is responsible for […]
The cost of prescription drug costs continues to be the topic of much discussion in the private sector as well as the public sector. Costs are going up at rates that far exceed inflation, and everyone is looking for a scapegoat. In Canada, we spend in excess of $20 billion on prescription drugs each year, […]
In this era of wonderful, innovative drug products that treat debilitating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and multiple sclerosis, many of us have been conditioned to think that the high users we see in our drug plans are in fact these unfortunate plan members with terrible afflictions. The truth in many cases is much different. […]
One scenario that I have seen play itself out on multiple occasions over the past year is that of a plan sponsor trying to understand whether or not they really need to be considering a move away from a reimbursement plan to a pay-direct drug (PDD) plan design. The issues and questions that arise are […]
It’s hard to believe we are already into a new year. Fiscal and strategic planning for the new calendar year have been completed. It’s now time to put the plans into action and see how close the business comes to meeting the revenue and expenditure targets predicted for 2008. With that in mind, imagine the […]