emergency savings – Benefits Canada.com https://www.benefitscanada.com Canada's most influential pension and benefits publication for decision-makers Mon, 15 Jul 2024 20:34:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 83% of U.S. workers concerned increasing cost of living, inflation will make it harder to save for retirement: survey https://www.benefitscanada.com/news/bencan/83-of-u-s-workers-concerned-increasing-cost-of-living-inflation-will-make-it-harder-to-save-for-retirement-survey/ Fri, 05 Jul 2024 13:00:19 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=157719 A majority (83 per cent) of U.S. workers say they’re concerned the increasing cost of living will make it harder to save for retirement and more than three-quarters (78 per cent) are concerned inflation will stay high, according to a new survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research. The survey, which polled […]

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71% of Canadian workers say rising cost of living is increasing faster than their income: survey https://www.benefitscanada.com/news/bencan/71-of-canadian-workers-say-rising-cost-of-living-is-increasing-faster-than-their-income-survey/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 14:00:16 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=152376 Nearly three-quarters (71 per cent) of Canadian workers say their rising cost of living is increasing faster than their income, according to a survey by Scotiabank. The survey, which polled more than 1,500 employees, found Canadians, on average, worry about their finances for 15 hours a week, up from 10 hours last year. Read: Hydro Ottawa providing […]

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Survey finds U.S. employees increasingly interested in retirement, savings programs https://www.benefitscanada.com/benefits/health-wellness/survey-finds-u-s-employees-increasingly-interested-in-retirement-savings-programs/ Wed, 21 Feb 2024 20:00:56 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=152147 The vast majority (89 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’d be more likely to continue working for an employer that offered a retirement plan, according to a new survey by Vestwell Holdings Inc. The survey, which polled more than 1,200 workers, found a similar percentage (89 per cent) expressed some level of interest in […]

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45% of U.S. DC plan sponsors considering adding emergency savings options in 2024: survey https://www.benefitscanada.com/news/45-of-u-s-dc-plan-sponsors-considering-adding-emergency-savings-options-in-2024-survey/ Tue, 23 Jan 2024 20:00:08 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=151009 More than two-fifths (45 per cent) of U.S. defined contribution pension plan sponsors say they’re considering implementing emergency savings features, according to a survey from MFS Investment Management. The survey, which polled 1,000 DC plan members and more than 140 plan sponsors, found nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of plan sponsors said they’d take […]

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Top 10 benefits stories of 2023 https://www.benefitscanada.com/news/bencan/top-10-benefits-stories-of-2023/ Tue, 19 Dec 2023 14:00:35 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=148992 A story on how plan sponsors and insurers are considering covering weight-loss drugs as part of a broader push towards more inclusive benefits was the most-read benefits story on BenefitsCanada.com this year. Here are the 10 most popular benefits news stories of the year: 1. How plan sponsors, insurers are considering coverage of weight-loss drugs amid rising […]

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2023 CAP Suppliers Report: How are CAPs evolving to meet the financial needs of different generations? https://www.benefitscanada.com/archives_/benefits-canada-archive/2023-cap-suppliers-report-how-are-caps-evolving-to-meet-the-financial-needs-of-different-generations/ Fri, 15 Dec 2023 13:57:38 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=148466 With more than 40,000 employees across the country, Amazon Canada is a microcosm of the wider national workforce. Comprising five generations, the online retailer’s workers represent a wide spectrum of savings goals and related challenges. And to support these goals, it has developed a diverse array of options to meet staff at every stage of […]

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57% of U.S. women say they don’t make enough to save for retirement: survey https://www.benefitscanada.com/pensions/retirement/57-of-u-s-women-say-they-dont-make-enough-to-save-for-retirement-survey/ Fri, 10 Nov 2023 14:00:54 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=146890 More than half (57 per cent) of U.S. women say they don’t earn enough to save for retirement and 26 per cent say they agree strongly with this statement, according to a new survey by the Transamerica Institute. The survey, which polled more than 5,600 employees, found while a similar percentage (50 per cent) of […]

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Survey finds 76% of U.S. employees concerned about ability to save for retirement https://www.benefitscanada.com/pensions/retirement/survey-finds-76-of-u-s-employees-concerned-about-ability-to-save-for-retirement/ Wed, 08 Nov 2023 20:00:54 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=146736 While more than three-quarters (79 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’re satisfied with their employer-sponsored pension plan, 76 per cent say they’re concerned about their capacity to save for retirement due to economic volatility, according to a new survey by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. The survey, which polled more than 300 employees and […]

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60% of global DC pension plan members say inflation impacting retirement plans: survey https://www.benefitscanada.com/pensions/retirement/60-of-global-dc-pension-plan-members-say-inflation-impacting-retirement-plans-survey/ Tue, 24 Oct 2023 19:00:52 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=145772 Nearly two-thirds (60 per cent) of global defined contribution pension plan members say they’re thinking differently about retirement amid rising inflation, according to a new survey by MFS Investment Management. The survey, which polled roughly 4,000 global DC plan members, found workers younger than age 45 were more likely to say they’ll need to save more […]

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Men more likely than women to report reduced stress due to financial wellness programs: survey https://www.benefitscanada.com/news/bencan/men-more-likely-to-report-reduced-stress-due-to-financial-wellness-programs-survey/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:00:48 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=143948 More than a quarter (28 per cent) of male employees in the U.S. report a reduction in their stress levels due to their employer’s financial wellness programs, compared to 18 per cent of women, according to a new survey by HerMoney Media Inc. and Principal Financial Services, Inc. The survey, which polled 900 U.S. employees […]

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